Today wasn't a big activity day, just putzed around the house,drank a green smoothie, made the savory nori rolls for dinner, and watched last night's Desperate Housewives episode online ( It's "my show" (wait, I've said that about a couple shows now...hmmm...) and we went out last night, so I caught up with it today. I'm like my sweet mom and her soaps.
Did I tell you the story about The Girl Who Forgot to Practice Mindfulness and Vitamixed Her Tamper to Shreds? No? Oh silly me. I thought everybody knew.
I have this friend. Ok ok it's me!
There I was all set to make a smoothie last week, when I realized that the lid was in the dishwasher, in the middle of a soapfest.
What did Einstein do? Used a plate to cover the open top and turned the Vitamix on. Sketchy as that sounds, it worked. I noticed that the smoothie was not splashing about, but whirring away in the bottom half of the container. But there were some spinach leaves that were just not joining in, so without thinking, I took the tamper and poked at them and heard an ugly noise. Well suddenly I was thinking again. Chewed the bottome right off the dang thing. (That circular ridge is there for a reason! So is the lid!)
The thing they say about blocks of wood in the Vitamix? I'd believe it. It wasn't pretty. So I waited a day or so to shake off the utter DOHness of it all, and I phoned the Vitamix Corporation. I saw online that tampers are 16 bucks, plus shipping, but I wanted to know if I could use a money order instead of a credit card. She asked me when I'd purchased my machine and I told her April '09, then she asked me if I had ever ordered replacement parts from them before, and I told her no, and she said, "Well then the first one's on us! We can ship that out to you this week." I was all, "Just like that?!" She laughed and said, "Yes, just like that!"
Well I'll be. Rewarded for my stupidity. lol We all do shit like that, just not thinking, and this time, it manifested in chewing off the end of my nightstick, as I usually call it. Well I call it something else, too, but this is a family show.
Anyway, Yay Vitmix! Harkens back to Mike at Whole Foods... twice in a very short period of time, I've experienced way cool customer service!
The nori rolls were as fantastic as the last time we had them a few days ago! Better, even, since I thickened the pate on each sheet. I doubled the batch this time, too.
I had an EFT client at 5 pm today (please don't tell them about the tamper) so I had to leave the nori rolls with about an hour left to go in the dehydrator, but I took a little so I'd have something in my stomach.
Later on my way home, I was sure ready for more, and I phoned Steve, and he said he'd been munching on them, loving them, and thought they'd be great with hummus. It made sense to me, so I stopped by the store on the way home and bought a couple things I needed to make it.
I made us a big salad, the hummus (he was right! the hummus compliments the nori rolls in a big way. I think that will be a combo from now on) and some o' dem brownies. My name is Rawkin' and I'm a rawveganbrownieholic.
So I was telling my friend about my idea for Raw Dinner Party Workshops and the more I told her, the more excited she got until she blurted out: "Have one at MY house!" And she named off several people who would likely want to attend. I said I had a couple, too (you online girlies who expressed interest) and she asked me if a Saturday evening in January was too soon. And I was on a roll, so I said, "Sounds GREAT!"
I can doooo eeeeeeeet. right? :) So stay tuned, 'cause it's-a happening! I'll be working out details.
Let me know if you still want to come!
Onto (other) things that rock my world:

Life is good!
Ouch...that is something that I totally would have done - the plate, the destruction of the tamper thingie...all of it.
Actually, yesterday I had my "moment" - I was in such a rush to get to work that I burned my hand - twice - because I was trying to fix a crease on my sweater with an iron WHILE I WAS WEARING IT. See, I'm genius like that! (But I got to work on time! Priorities! LOL!)
Your dinners always sound sooo good! All I can cobble together during the week is a salad b/c I am so tired at night. Thanks for responding to my comments yesterday - I will def. be trying the rawviolis and the raw nori is under serious consideration. :-)
Have you tried Dreena Burton's mustard tahini dressing? would love it. To die for...I eat it every night on my salad...SO good! Let me know if you want it and I'll send.
I did that, too! Only mine got nibbled, not eaten. :)
I made your brownies tonight. Yum. The kids thought there was a green smoothie on top. They liked it, but didn't love it. Next time I'll make it without the icing, as the bottom was everyone's favorite part and could be satisfying by itself. My husband and I enjoyed them very much. Thanks for sharing it.
Christine! We were separated at birth! haha!
The rawvioli and the nori both get serious thumbs up around here...go for it!!!
As for being tired at night, the raw-er you go, the less that will become an issue...though I say that not knowing how raw you are now. From my experience, by the time a few months raw went by, I wanted to build a bridge or something, with all this energy.
Hope your hand has healed up!
Hi Kathleen,
Nibbled, not eaten...reminded me of shaken, not stirred...
I can't imagine what happened to your icing, as it tastes like chocolate pudding. In fact, that is what we've been using it for around here. Try it again?
A ha! I'll try again.
Hi Kathleen!
I thought of you when I made some last night :) I hope it works out better for you when you try again!
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