Day 1 of the year 2010 was a very good day. We slept in until 1 pm!! Holy cow! We went to a party last night with a bunch of musician friends and stayed until 2 a.m. Then, just after drifting off to sleep, my oldest called at 4 a.m. to get picked up from a party since the buses & skytrains had long stopped running, and there wasn't a taxi in sight. So I get up and put pants on, and the phone rings again, and he tells me never mind, a cab came along after all. Hallelujah!! So, I did the whole pants routine in reverse and climbed back into bed, but I layed there a while with my eyes wide open. Parenting! I totally get now, my old mom calling me 'her baby' even in my 40s.
Rewind a bit, back at the party...there was a buffet table with all kinds of goodies and I was happy to find a bunch of veggies...cherry tomatoes, mushrooms, carrots, etc., and because I hadn't eaten much of anything before we left, I did enjoy some dolmathes (Greek stuffed vine leaves, dayum!)
I met a woman while grazing, and we got chatting about the food, and she told me she quit sugar last spring.
I was most impressed, and the conversation flowed. It was very timely because I've just given up my non-raw processed-sugar weakness...those giant Green & Black's chocolate bars.
She said she feels a clarity now that she didn't feel with sugar in her diet. And that she doesn't have to concern herself with weight issues at all, and that her energy was up. As she spoke, I got to thinking that it sounded very similar to the benefits of raw...and of course it would, in that a large part of the raw food lifestyle's success is that we stop poisoning our cells, and we detox all that junk out. She also said she didn't even miss it or crave it anymore, which also resonates with what happens with raw. So she was really cool to talk to, and I wish we'd had more time, but she had to run. We know folks in common (we were at the same party, after all) so I hope to see her again. I thought of her a few times today. You know when it just clicks with someone?
Now fast-forward to today's early afternoon wake-up... I made us a green lemonade, and off we went in search of organic groceries and did all right, only had to go to two grocery stores. Not bad at all. (Still, I can hear my friend say, "You are HARD CORE!) lol
Came back and unloaded the groceries from the first place, so that we could feed the dog...poor Gracie, she'd been patiently waiting for her two lazy bum folks to wake the heck up and feed her. Well, she had her dry stuff, (but everyone knows that breakfast is the mushie stuff, geez you guys!!) ;) We bought most of the fruit at the second grocery store, and I ate two bananas in the truck on the way home. The first one, because I suddenly remembered my 'new' upside-down banana peeling trick and wanted to show Steve, who totally didn't get the point, lmao, it was so very male/female in the truck for a moment there, lol, and the second banana, because the first was so freakin' tasty! I did buy two bunches.

I look at this photo and I see what you looks like hell! lol! That um, stuff you see is the guacamole. They really don't sell themselves, do they? But usually, they'd be rolled but these, though large, were thin, and we had to pinch them shut with every bite. 'Collard Pinches'. Actually, 'Romaine Pinches', because we couldn't find any organic collard leaves so we went with lettuce.
Never did find any organic kale, either. I didn't end up making (or missing) any salad at all, because this meal was already chock full of raw veggies. And with the lettuce as wraps, it was like we rolled up our salad and ate it that way, anyway.
It was WONDERFUL. Just delicious, satisfying, filling...everything you want in a meal.
I've made this before, but I tweaked it a bit this time (much less nama shoyu...the original recipe calls for 1/2 cup, and I didn't like that so I used to use 1/4 cup, and today, I most successfully used an unmeasured few drips) and it rawked!
Looks a bit of a mess, but damn, this was good.
Then I had a dollop of chocolate pudding for dessert...MmmMmmmmmmmmm! As I threatened to do, I used the recipe for the brownie icing. Heaven.
A wondrous New Years Day supper!
And now, to the other sorts of things that make me happy. Here are a couple more... first, the kitchy guitar that Steve bought me last year. I'm learning to play on it this year, and it makes me happy!
Second, Nag Champa incense! Modelled by my cat Ruby, who also makes me happy... :)
May 2010 feed you in all the ways that bring you joy!
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