I made myself a smoothie and found that I didn't have bananas, so I used 1/2 a small avocado instead, along with romaine, swiss chard, blueberries, and apple, and it was lovely. Oh! And I also included pineapple, using the rest of it to wash my face, lol! I spent the whole time make the lasagna with a slightly tightening skin mask.

I'll update later after everything's finished un-cookin'.
UPDATE: Well... as usual, the rawritos never made it out of the dehydrator! A little piece here, a little piece there...pretty soon there are crumbs! They are highly addictive. Fed some to my friend (who is not raw) and she flipped out. Found them unbelievable, and later when I was then at her place, she mentioned them to her kids and then tried to describe rawritos and they just made the "are you guys high?" face, because we were saying "Well there's sunflower seeds, and and..."
We decided that describing rawritos was like describing a color to someone who hasn't seen color. Other than to say, they taste exactly like 'Doritos' but without the chemical crap! lol But then, they don't believe ya!
Just gonna have to bring some over...if I ever make a batch that sees the light of day!
As for the spinach lasagna, it's now 11:30 at night, and it's still in there because it was so wet. So we decided to dehydrate it until bedtime, stick it in the fridge, then put it back in tomorrow afternoon so that it's ready for dinner then.
Tonight's dinner, we just grazed on hummus, tortillas, and stolen rawritos...and Steve had a salad.
I took the dog for a long walk (2nd one today. My energy is definitely coming back! I want to do more, for longer parts of the day. This was at 7:30, when we were all settled in after dinner. When I'm not raw, on an evening I don't have a gig, that would be when I'd change into my sweats and slippers, turn on the fireplace, and hunker down for the evening...internet'in, practicing guitar, watching tv, etc. Now, I'm restless and want to walk or learn Spanish or something.) We ended up going on a 45 minute walk; it was great. Just me and Gracie.
When we returned, Steve and I went to Whole Foods because I was looking for Nama Shoyu, which my local grocer doesn't carry. Turns out, neither does WF! (More like WTF) I was impressed with the guy who helped me, he took my name and number and said he'd call me back tomorrow to let me know if they can order some in. Even though there are other places I could go, I found myself unable to refuse this helpful gesture. So "Mike" will be calling.
Did end up getting a bottle of Vitamin D3...I don't take vitamins but the more I read about this, the more I think it would be a good idea... you know, the sunshine vitamin. Well I live in rainy Vancouver, Canada. What sold me, though, was that on the bottle (by nu-life) it actually says The Happy Pill. teehee :)
Well, off I go to bed...it's 11:45 and our love is alive!

And how absolutely tiny I look next to my youngest son!!
These posts make me hunnnnnngry!
Breaking out of my holiday (helladay) cracker-choccie routine, finally!
Feeling better for it!
Keep posting gorgeous!
Hiya, D!!
Yes, I relate to breaking out of holiday eating! For me, Christmas day itself was the blip, because I was determined not to get derailed altogether. I'm feeling better for it, too!
Love you long time,
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