I am not
surging yet, but I'm not spending all day in bed any more either! lol I've definitely reached a new phase in my rawness. Tell you what, when I'm not raw, all the fussing in the kitchen, preparing raw foods
really makes me think it's way too much work. (Like my S.A.D. friends think.) A good sign that I'm changing from being raw, is that 'fussing' in the kitchen is a JOY!
I'm noticing changes in my skin and face and today, I noticed that my eyes are brighter green and sparkly. How about that. *blink blink*
Oh, and this is pretty good...there's more room in my jeans. Go figure!

Yesterday, (Sunday) we thoroughly enjoyed the
raw pizza I made. Well, let me rephrase that...Steve thoroughly enjoyed it, and I was pretty disappointed with not having left it in the dehydrator longer. But it was 6:30 and we'd been out at rehearsal, and anticipating it a LOT. To the point of looking at each other every once in a while over the course of the afternoon and one or the other going, 'Pizza!' I guess when you've been salad-ing so much, 'real' sounding food hits the spot, haha.
This afternoon, (Monday) I threw the last few slices in the dehydrator for another 4 hours and OH MAMA it was great. So that was all that was missing...drying time. Gone were all traces of excess moisture, and it was allll flavor...just spectacular!! Eating at 10:30 pm wouldn't have worked for us yesterday, but I'm not going to compromise dehydrator time again, because it makes alllll the difference. Today was like a totally different meal, it was world class compared to yesterday's same meal minus the drying time. So I just have to time things (soaking and any other ahead-of-time prep) differently to ensure dinner's at a decent hour. A note about the cheese and marinara sauce for the pizza...I don't use nearly as much as it calls for. I find it too globby...because when I eat a slice, I don't want it to be all sauce, so I froze what I didn't use and I'm half way to another pizza in the coming weeks, yay.

I also made the
brownies....omg...Steve said they were the BEST ever. Who knows why? I do them the same every time, but the variation would be dates...no two are alike...being unprocessed nature, an' all. Anyway, they were divine. Oh weird...as if he could hear the words being typed out, Steve
just came out of the bedroom where he's watching 'his' show and went to the freezer to get a brownie. Hm, maybe I'll get one too. (We watch tv in separate rooms because we don't watch the same things AT ALL. He watches Paranormal and all kinds of ghost shows, and he's right in to that stuff, and I just can't do it. It used to be a big 'eye roll' fest around here (both ways) until we go two tvs. Hahah well, I'm no better...I'm in here watching The Bachelor...I know, don't pick on me. I have several cheezy 'guilty pleasure' shows like that and what the hell...why don't I just tell you them now...I'll just do a cleanse of sorts. America's Next Top Model and American Idol. Wow, I feel better.
Today, I woke up and decided to look up a different juicer juice to make, not because I'm tired of my green lemonade, but because I was out of lettuce. So I flipped through my 'Juicing for Life' book and landed on one that I had all 3 ingredients for. It was 1/4 Pineapple, including skin and core, 1/2 an apple, and 1/4" of ginger.

To be honest, I'd never heard of anyone ingesting the tough rind of a pineapple, and to be sure it was really ok lol, I did a google search. I found out it's fine, and that it makes the juicer back up with foam (from the skin) and indeed, it did. I also found out that rubbing your face with a piece of pineapple is a fabulous facial mask that leaves your skin so soft and clean, it's unreal. So of course, I did it. I do nothing at all in the way of skin care other than wash my face in freezing cold water every day.And I have good skin. But this, this is a keeper. My skin was baby's bum soft, and looked so fresh and clean and suddenly, I had fantastic skin. It's supposedly great for fading discoloration, too, and that pleases me greatly, because I have an cough*agespot*cough. So I bought two more. Oh, and something I read that made perfect sense...brush your teeth/rinse your mouth as soon as possible after eating pineapple, because they are acidic and can erode the enamel of your teeth. That's an easy trade off, considering the
numerous health benefits of pineapples.
Besides being an extremely refreshing juice, I found it filling, even though there wasn't a large yield (one medium sized glass). Did make a foamy mess of the juicer, but it's the easiest juicer to clean EVER so I wasn't worried about it.
Anyway, much later in the day, I ate a piece of brownie. Cause, well, they're there. :)

Went to the grocery store down the street because we decided to make
kale chips and
rawritos in the next couple days. We were heading out the door and I suddenly said, "Wait, that's not dinner! We'll need dinner tomorrow!" Doh! So we came back in and I flipped through my recipes and decided to make
spinach lasagna because I haven't had it in ages, and because I had most of the ingredients already. When we were home again and putting things away, and I scanned the recipe again and saw with dismay that I fogot spinach! For SPINACH lasagna. Double Doh! So Steve put the rest of the stuff away and I went back to the store with the dog. The manager we had been chatting to on the first trip said, "Back again?!" And I told him I forgot a couple things and he said, "And he sent you?? I'll have a talk with that guy!" lol Yeah, do. See if it does any good. Just kidding, I have the best guy in the freakin' world!!

I didn't have room left in the crisper or anywhere else in the fridge so I made a kale bouquet! It's gorgeous, yes? :) I love my kitchen when it's filled with living produce!! I'm soaking sunflower seeds for the rawritos, cashews and pine nuts for the lasagna, plus I've just put alfalfa sprout seeds in my sprouter. As soon as I put the seeds in the tray I remembered I wasn't going to do that anymore because alfalfa seeds are so tiny that they get stuck in the ridges of the trays. Oh well. Live and don't learn, you know how it is. :) I'll get a good CROP anyway! I'll get a photos when there's something to see. Right now it's just a bunch of tiny specs. But here are my sunflower kernels, getting ready to star in the rawritos. I couldn't find anything to put on the mouth of the jar so I evicted the oranges from their mesh bag. Who's a clever girl, then? ;)

I had some left over pulp from a carrot/apple/ginger juice I made yesterday, and I kept it because I figured I would use it to make some kind of bread. I ended up adding walnuts & water and bam! Cookies! They are

ridiculously light and lovely. I had a little moment of quiet mortification when i realized I ate my way through a whole dehydrator tray! Keep me in your prayers. lol I had another tray and I got a photo of some of them. To make them sweeter, you could add three or four dates, but I like them like this just fine. Steve loved 'em and was impressed to hear they were from juicer pulp.
So, onto things that make me happy. Long Canadian roadtrips, and finding greeting cards that crack me up. Here ya go:
Glad your energy is starting to go back up! I've never made a raw lasagna, but that is sounding mighty good!
Hi Star!
Thanks! It feels great when the benefits of raw begin to outweigh the effort. So...just under a month and the sun starts really comin' out again!
And yes M'am...that lasagna is divine!
Thank you for reading the blog, and for taking the time to comment! Makes my day!
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