I started my day off with Brigitte Mars' 'Breakfast Pudding' (Rawsome, page 141)
Couldn't find un-sulfured dried apricots (sulfates give me asthma...no thanks!) so I subbed in un-sulfured dried mango slices. Wondering the whole time, why was it made with cane sugar, when mangoes are a sweet fruit?
In any case, this pudding was sweet and delicious and tasted a lot like applesauce.

Brigitte Mars notes: This hearty breakfast is great on a cold winter's morning.
Yield 2 servings (which I ate through the morning, since it was too sweet for Steve.)
12 dried apricots, soaked overnight
2 cored apples, coarsely chopped
1 Tbs tahini
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2" fresh ginger
1/4 cup raisins
Combine everything but the raisins, and blend in a food processor until finely chopped and mixed. Pour the mixture over the raisins, and stir. Chill in fridge an hour before serving. Keeps 2 or 3 days in the fridge.
Before we left for rehearsal, something we do every Sunday for 4 hours, I pulled the rawvioli trays out of the fridge, and some frozen marinara out of the freezer and put them all in the dehydrator so dinner would be ready when we got home. (This is a 12 hour dehydrator recipe, but I took it out this morning from it being in there over night, then it spent the morning in the fridge, until it was time to go.)
We recently bought a Zoom Q3, so that we could take videos of our music, raw, eft, etc. So we had fun with it today, recording some songs...enjoy:
Okay, I'm back... :)
Who would I be if I didn't let you in on how freakin' AMAZING the rawvioli was!!??
There are no words!!! It was beyond delicious, and we would each eat a few bites and one of us would say, "OMG!! Delicious!!" "KILLER!" "Ridiculous!!"
Yep, it was that fabulous. My only beef about it was that there wasn't enough. There were 38 small pieces each and maybe it was the flavor that made it feel like I didn't want dinner to end...but I wasn't ok with it being over. So I made us a salad and that made it ok. Next time, though, I'm doubling this baby.
The other day, I arranged to time-share a practitioner's office so now I have a space to take in EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) clients. Tuesdays from 3 pm into the evening. If you're in the Vancouver BC area and would like a complimentary first session, let me know! EFT produces wonderful results for all kinds of issues, often in just a few sessions, and most often, relief is felt in the first session. I take clients with all kinds of issues...from weight, depression, anxiety, etc, and I specialize in "unleashing your creativity with EFT" so that you can sing, write, perform, paint...FREELY.
As for Raw Workshops...I've been thinking of hosting Raw Dinner Party Workshops at peoples' homes. I would come to the host/ess' home with a menu (host gets a free workshop)and all the ingredients, and anywhere from 4-6 workshop participants/guests come and bring their appetites and maybe some wine. :) I would be demonstrating simple and delicious raw dishes for the group, which would be served to everyone. Sounds like a fun night with the girls, yeah?
Oh, the rawvioli sounds awesome! I'll have to try that this weekend - maybe I can prep Friday night so they can dehydrate all day on Saturday. Yummers!
Thanks for the videos - you guys are GREAT and are clearly having so much fun!
Hi Christine!
The rawvioli was truly awesome!! I'm craving it as I type this. I recommend doubling the recipe if you guys are EATERS like us. (We say we're Hungry Hungry Hippos) Lemme know how you make out with those. I found them delicious before being dehydrated, even more delicious after 10 hours, and I found the texture absolutely perfect at 12 hours. A bit of resistance on the outside with that amazing soft centre. They are worth all the fiddlefartin' around!
Thanks so much for your compliment about our video. We really did have a riot doing that!
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