So I got up, straightened myself out somewhat and walked my happy dog to the grocery store down the street. This place is so close, I'm there so often, and they all recognize me in there, it's a wonder I didn't just pad down there in my slippers, lol.
Ooh slippers. My boyfriend just got me some seriously kick-ass slippers. Faux lamb-lined and so toasty. They're so big they fit him, and I love a big floppy, goofy slipper. They're perfect. I wear big thick socks with them and once, I put them on the wrong feet and didn't notice walking half way to the washroom. That's how big they are. I lurve them. They have soles, too, so no more walking in dog goo from her water bowls.
Anyway, I came back from the store and made tortillas, because for dinner I wanted to make a 'taco' recipe I just found last night. (On the recipes page, they are called falafel tortillas, and are the 7th recipe down the page.)
For the taco recipe, I used less onion and less jalapeno than it said to, but I otherwise stuck to it and it was good.
My boyfriend *loved* it, and I like it, but it was not really my thing. I think if I'd had more time, I would have dehydrated the taco mixture to soak up the wetness of it. The flavor was lovely, though.
The tortillas, though, were perfection.
Why, then, did I indulge in some SAD popcorn later and a few SAD chocolates while watching a Christmas movie? lol
The tortillas, though, were perfection.
The little purple-ish blobs are sour cream. Don't know why it comes out this color, but it always does. It's made with cashews. It's on the Dips page, and tastes absolutely wonderful.
As you can see, one was more than enough for a meal, I made them quite large!

Speaking of SAD foods and Christmas...
I was thinking of bringing a big giant salad, and eating that first, then using a small plate rather than a dinner plate, and focusing mostly on steamed veggies (we are not big sauce or butter slatherers anyway, so there will be 'naked' steamed veggies) and a slice of turkey. For dessert, I will bring The Brownies and a raw apple pie.
Then the next day, get straight back to juicing and raw-ing and continue on down my path.
As I typed that, I realize that I could be la-la-la-ing myself into a know, the ol' 'we crave whatever is in our bloodstream' trap, so that this one 'innocent' indulgence could derail me. I sure don't want that.
Hmmm... I think what I'll do is make and take as many raw options as I have time to make between now and then. I can always EFT away the fantastic Christmas dinner smells, right? Lol that sounds so pathetic! lmao
What are you doing about Christmas eating?
hiya babe, totally with you on that craving what is in our bloodstream thang. i have been eating meat lately, but other than that staying raw as i can ... staying away from the sugar, flour, dairy etc. Christmas dinner is at my house, we are cooking enormous turkey, and my mother is bringing a load of stuff, all not raw, cept for her spinach salad. I will be making broccoli salad, a big fruit salad, maybe some banana and strawberry raw icecream, marinated mushrooms with walnut pate and pistachio pesto, and a big green salad. So for me it will be the salads and the turkey on my plate, and my raw desserts. Have done really well so far turning down all the chocolates and other seasonal sweet stuff that has been around me at work, but did succumb to a bag of chips the other night. Right on the path with you babe - good luck!!
Hi SG,
Boy, you really are on the same path. Funny we're so close and yet so far, with us on this journey, with you in NZ and me in day...
Sounds like you've got a good plan and I think we're on the same page there, too.
I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas!
Even if we do 'crave what's in our bloodstream' for a few days, we will come back on path, we always seem to!
Big hug,
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