Holy blast from the past, Batman!!!!!!! I forgot I ever looked like this. I said to Steve, "Aw, man, I look so young and healthy..." and he said, "You are younger, but you weren't healthy...you were smoking, and eating junk! You're way ahead now!"
I needed to hear that.
I needed to hear that.
Me, with my widdle baby, Leon (who is now about to turn 21)
My goodness...just when I was starting to toughen up from all that maudlin old-photos-baby-book-reading-Christmas-goo...and my dear, old friend sends me these photos from his visit here 20 years ago. Cue big sobs. Seriously, I've been a Christmess this year.
Big sigh. I'm either poised for greatness or on the brink of a melt-down...they are oddly similar feelings. I choose greatness! I've spent too many years in meltdown. Besides, things are about to get back to normal, what with folks (Steve) returning to work, and the whole Christmas thing winding down.
Oh wait, there's still New Year's. Well...ok, a little more weirdness until we can get on with it, then.
Today, we did our shiny bests to get on with it in our own fashion... RAW!!
We started the day with a green lemonade...YAY!!! SO refreshing, it's unreal. We just 'AAAAAAHHHH' about it for a good 5 minutes after we drink it. Mmmm Mmmmm.
Then, we were on our way to our rehearsal studio and we were just turning into the drive and Steve said, "Oh, shit, I forgot the keys!" So we decided to just rehearse at home, since it was just the two of us (the band is coming back in with us next week.)
We spent the day with me learning our songs on guitar. I played for about 3 1/2 hours and my fingers are in the process of toughening up...you know, the part before they callous, the part where they're still owee! Love it, though! I'm just learning to play and my goal is to be playing our songs on stage by our next tour in May. So far, so good. I'm having a blast! And we're actually getting somewhere; I can play a few of our songs now, as I sing along. Other than a little banjo, I've always been a singer, so this is new, and rather liberating! Steve said, "We'll have to get you a good guitar." I said, "As long as it's blue. No, black!" He just rolled his eyes and said, "I see you shop for guitars the way you shop for cars!"

and a date nut torte for dessert. This stuff is sooooo sweet, that the slice you see here had to be eaten in two sittings. Delicious, though!! The blueberries (or any fruit) really helps cut the sweetness. They were frozen when I put them on, and just perfect a little while later after spending time in the fridge. This whole desert is only 4 ingredients...dates, raisins, walnuts, and lemon juice...and 5 if you count the topping. So simple, and it takes all of 5 minutes or so to make.
We're both very happy to be raw, and in the 'right' mindset for it again, after the blip of Christmas eating.
It's a relief, really! And fun to be in on it together.
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