I'm making raw pizza ala Alissa Cohen and raw cinnamon rolls ala Elaina Love!
I haven't tried the cinnamon rolls before but I did lick the spoon and the filling tastes JUST like the real thing. They're chillin' in the fridge now, and later I slice them and dehydrate them and serve 'em warm. Sounds good to me. And I'm about to make the optional icing. Optional? Not at my house.
I will take photos and let you know how everything goes.
UPDATE: Here's a kinda silly pic of the cinnamon rolls...silly because it looks like fried chicken. But let me assure you that it tasted just like the sign says: cinnamon rolls. The icing didn't turn out. I just couldn't adjust it to my tastes so in the end, I wastefully threw it out in a fit of awfuckit and started over with a different icing recipe. Maybe I screwed it up, or maybe it just wasn't my cup of tea. Either way, I ended up with one that was just right for me. Anyway, here is the plate of cinnamon rolls that I gave my neighbors.

Here is my gorgeous and delicious creation. All those colors make me happy, and dayum! this was good! This whole dinner was so decadent that we really felt like we ate something naughty but it was all just raw food! (I might pay for this nut-heavy meal anyway, though, after such a light week. We'll see.....but what the hell, it was raw and so good!)

Ok...that was the update, now back to earlier in the day: We may be dining a bit late this evening, since we're meeting up with our bass player and singing today right at dinner time! When I realized the timing of the food and the stage time, I thought maybe I'd have to do this meal tomorrow but we're just gonna chow down on some salad and go do our thing then come back to our feast! Yeehaa. (oooh another update: we ate at 8 o'clock and had a blast playing music, and we got another gig out of it! Weeeeeee!)
Meantime, since everything's in the dehydrator and fridge, I'm gonna go out Harley-ing and thrift-store-ing on this fine sunny Saturday in April.
Yesterday, we attended a funeral for the wife of a dear friend of ours, and it really keys in on the important stuff, love and family and friends and living life in a way that really makes your heart sing.
So I'm grabbin' today and giving it a big kiss.
Have a grateful and happy Saturday, Rawkers!
Hey, why don't you put some of your music on the blog? (or is it one here and I've missed it?)
Hi Judy,
Your wish is my command! haha I dunno, I didn't really want to combine the two because they seemed like separate identities that I couldn't really reconcile...but your comment was so timely with the weekend I had, that I wrote about it in the latest blog post (Raw Music).
So thanks for the nudge.
big hug,
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