These dishes range from dips & spreads, crackers & breads, salads, entrees, and a big ol' dessert.
You see, it's Wednesday! This means I cater a raw dinner to my friend's office, where we will share the meal together. I've invited her girlfriend along so there will be three of us at the table.
The menu?
Lynelle Scott-Aitken's Beet & Carrot Salad
Mermie's Eat Two Heads of Kale in One Sitting Chips
Alissa Cohen's Angel Hair Pasta with Marinara Sauce
Gabriel Cousens' Chili
Elaina Love's Cinnamon Rolls
And because they are interested in purchasing flax bread (2nd fb recipe on page) from me, I'm making a batch of that, as well as 2 different spreads: Heidi and Justin Ohlander's eggless egg salad and unknown source's (but with my gratitude) hummus.
Phew! Am I nuts? Nah... this is fun for me. I've got it all organized in my mind and all the soaks in jars in the fridge. It's 6:30 in the morning and I'm gonna start in a half hour or so with the stuff that needs a day in the dehydrator: the flax bread, the cinnamon rolls, and the kale chips. Then I'll run down the street to get an onion and poke at the rest of the stuff all day.
I'll check off the list here as I go.
My dinner is at 6:15.
On your mark, get set....

this is flax bread 'before' (above) and 'after' (below) looking much like pressed confetti but hopefully tastier ;)

Here I have a Cinnamon Roll, ready to wrap in the teflex sheet it sits on, and into the refrigerator, where it will Chill a few hours before slicing it and popping it into the dehydrator closer to dinner so it can be served warm-ish.
Here's the kale, ready to turn into kale chips...
...and here is the dehydrator, with Flax Bread and Kale Chips.
And now... for my next trick...and not on tonight's menu, but my own... a green smoothie. I fully realized how unappetizing this looks! haha! BUT! It's absolutely sweet and delicious! It is the mixture of celery tops and romaine with apple, banana, and frozen blueberries. YUMMO!
I'm doing well, it's not even 9 am yet. Yay! The rest is all stuff that doesn't need dehydrating, so it's a cinch!
It's 10 a.m. and I've got the Hummus and the Eggless Egg Salad, and the Chili made.
Eggless Egg Salad on the left, Hummus on the right. Believe it or not, I added a dish, rather simply, actually. I spiked 1/2 the hummus with a jalapeno, seeds n' all. So now I have Jalapeno Hummus too. (not shown here, mainly cuz it looks kinda the same!)
The Chili only takes a couple hours (in the dehydrator, that is...only minutes to prepare!) and I'm fridging the 'sauce' until closer to dinner, while the veggies part of the dish softens in the dehydrator now.
Here's the chili...all that's left to do is warm it in the dehydrator near dinner time. Ain't she purdy?
These are some of the slices off the chilled Cinnamon Roll. These will be warmed in time for dinner.
Time for a wee break! All that's left is Marinara sauce and the Beet & Carrot salad. Those can wait until this afternoon! Yay!
I'm gonna bring the spiralizer and let them have at it with the zucchini. A sort of interactive dinner activity! It's fun, so why not? Plus, it shows how easy it is to crank out 'pasta'.
More pics to come. UPDATE: nope! That's it. So ya don't get to see the beautiful Beet & Carrot Salad, or the Marinara, but trust me, they were a feast for the eyes as well as the tummy!
The dinner went so well :)
Woot! Sounds like a great day. I love uncooking up a bunch of food.
I made the Gabriel Cousens Chili and some Raw cornbread the other day, come see!
Oooh curry in the chiliiiiiii!!! Thanks for the inspiration!
I had a wonderful day, indeed! Everything turned out GREAT this time! Yayyy! :) And dinner was fun...but again, I forgot to take photos of all the food laid out. Oh well!!
I'll try to remember next week when we do this again!
Your blog looks wonderful! I look forward to sitting down and having a good read!
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