My friend calls green smoothies 'green soothies' and it just couldn't be more fitting!
They are soothing, especially after a couple days of eating gourmet raw. My body just says 'Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah' when I drink one of those.
This weekend is a soothie weekend. I'm drinking one right now.
I would be lying if I said that's all I've had today...I have indulged in the raw version of Doritos and I'm here to tell you how delightful these chips are!!! Right up there with the kale chips on the addicto-meter!! Ya can't eat just one!!
They take nothing to prep and hours to dehydrate...they're best when they're very, very crispy. I put mine in yesterday afternoon, left 'em in overnight, and took them out today at 1 pm. So, almost 24 hours.
They never actually 'came out'...they were broken off and eaten right out of the dehydrator. Finally, when we snapped apart the last couple pieces, I said, "Well, I guess I'd better shut this thing off!" :)
Before you start the recipe, you'll need to sprout sunflower seeds, which only *sounds* complicated. Just put seeds into a sprouter or jar and rinse a couple times a day and those little sunnies seem to really want to do their thing and overnight or so, little tails start sprouting and Bob's yer Uncle! So easy! Then all you do is rinse them well and use them. Personally, I then dehydrated them a few hours to dry them, but that's a personal choice.
The recipe is by 'Ertarox' from School of Rawk and it is delicious and it tastes just like a bag of SAD (but oh-so-tasty) Doritos. Without further ado, I introduce...
These are quick, addictive, and yummy. They taste just like Doritos!
3 cups sprouted sunflower seeds
4 cups frozen corn, thawed
*original recipe calls for 1/2 cup Braggs but I subbed 1/3 cup nama shoyu*
1/2 cup water
1/4 cup onion powder
1 tsp garlic powder
2 Tbsp taco seasoning
2 Tbsp chili powder
1/2 Tbsp nutritional yeast
Blend well in food processor and spread thinly onto two teflex sheets at 105. Flip them off the teflex after a couple hours or when it becomes easy to peel the sheets off, and at that time, score them and sprinkle them with a mix of 1/3 nutritional yeast, 1/3 taco seasoning, and 1/3 chili powder.
Return them to the dehydrator overnight, and into the next day...however long it takes them to become extremely crispy. They store in an airtight container in the fridge and if they become softer than desired, just re-dehydrate them before eating. They are so addictive that they didn't get to see the fridge at our house. Rawritos turn into a powdery, cheezy, and taco-y red corn chip...like Doritos!
This recipe will go into the Breads/Crackers/Chips of the My Favorite Raw Recipes section, in the column under the posts list.
We went tooling around on the Harley today; it's gorgeous and sunny and Saturday here. (Is it Saturday there? ;) ) We stopped by to visit a friend and then went to our usual produce store, only to find signs all over the windows saying 'Moving to a new location! Everything 50% OFF! So we parked and went in and it was unreal! All the shelves were pretty much empty, but the store was FULL of people, elbow to elbow. We made our way to the produce section, only to find pretty much empty bins. It was like a scene from the end of the world or something. I really needed soothing now!! So off we went down the street to another organic market, this one lush with the colors of the rainbow, all fresh and gorgeous, and filled a couple bags full of greens. What a relief!
So I came home and made a big Vita-Mix pitcher and I sit here drinking it as I hang out with you.
Happy Weekend, Rawkers!
Hmmmm, I wonder if I could get my 17 year old to eat Rawritos?
I have made up my mind to go RAW the day after I graduate, May 24 (also New Moon).. I will continue tuning in here for tips and inspiration...
I think we are about the same age? I'll be 45 in August. I can't wait to snap some pictures as I go along.
Where are you located? I'm in California.
Have a great weekend!
Hi Sweet Aurora
My guess is that you couldn't get your 17 year old to STOP eating Rawritos. Seriously. that. good.
Ooooh graduating May 24, good for you! Hey sounds like a great time to join us on the Rawkin' Life Message Board we're we'll support your raw efforts every step of the way! :)
Yeah, I'm 45...46 in October! :)
There's nothing like the photos along the way!! It's a fab way to inspire yourself along.
I'm in Vancouver BC :)
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