But I had more energy today, and it's always easier for me to trust the process from that standpoint. I enjoyed my green lemonade, though not until later in the day. In the morning, I ate 2 bananas and exactly one date. I find them quite awful on their own. Even the lovely organic medjools. I love what they do to a dessert, but alone, they are too much. Too intense and not the right kind of sweetness. I guess I'm a chocolate girl and everything else sweet kinda pales. (Well, except Islander's shortbread. Dang, Girl, I found the recipe and was sooo tempted. The only thing that saved me was remembering that I don't have an oven.) Is there a raw shortbread? Methinks that would pale, too...but let's give my head a shake here, lots of raw sweeties to love...like, those brownies. Unparallelled!
We had a gig tonight, our last show of this year. It was a small concert at a private holiday party, held in a community centre, and I figured there would be party food to avoid, so I wanted to make sure that I fed us a raw meal before we left the house.

2 avocados
1/4 c cocao powder
2 T coconut oil
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
dash salt
dash cinnamon
But the chili, ooh the chili, it was divine!! I love this recipe. Easy and fabulous. It was the perfect dish before heading out on a rainy night to play tunes at a party.
What a great bunch of folks. We had a wonderful time. It was easy to resist the little sandwiches and cheezies. I mean, I coulda, but I'm doing something here! :) Steve did, though! haha it makes me smile to tattle on him because I know only I care. He sure doesn't. He's the most 'take it as it comes' guy in the world. He sweats NOTHING. If he wants a damn cheezy, he'll eat it and then enjoy raw stuff with as much gusto. Not like us women, who think 'now look what I've done, it's all ruined!' lol
The host who hired us gave us a lovely magnet along with our pay. She didn't have to do that, and it was a beautiful gesture. And we brought 12 Cd's to sell and by gum, we sold 'em all! Yeehaaa!
So to end this post with a couple photos of things I'm grateful for... hmmmm.....SNOW! This photo was taken by my friend Dorothy at her farm in Alberta. I wish I was there, sitting in her kitchen, with this view!
Twisted X boots...oh my I am so looking forward to looking down and seeing a pair of these on my feet! Won't these be hot at gigs?? Oooh mama.