Thursday 9 May 2013

A little less cuke, a little more red, a lot of cycling

I'm down to nothing in my cupboards and fridge, and I went out on my bike to go pick a few things up at the grocery store.  But suddenly, I zigged instead of zagged, and ended up at the consignment store where I spent my beans on 3 summer tops!  (That's nourishment, right?)

Fortunately, at $2 each, I still had some left over for food.  ;)

But did I go to the grocery store from there?  Of course not!  I'm a woman!  I went back home to try on the tops!

Still hungry (doh) I looked again in my fridge and found that I did have 1/2 a pineapple, a cucumber, a little spinach, and an apple.  It was all in there when I last looked, but now that my world made sense again, a world where a woman can get cute summer wear for the total of $6, I saw it all with new eyes.  This time, I saw a Smoothie!

So I took about 1/2 a cucumber, (which in fact, turned out to be too much, and sort of took over the taste) cut up that 1/2 pineapple into chunks, sliced the apple, and threw in the handful of spinach and set the Vitamix a-going.

It made 3 big, frothy glasses full.  I am unsure as to the source of the froth, whether it's the pineapple or the cuke, but it separated as it sat there, with froth rising to the top. If memory serves, it's the pineapple. I suppose one could spoon it off, but I just drank it, and the juice that made it past it.  Until, of course, I misjudged the speed the juice made it past the froth, and spewed green juice down my chin and onto my new blue top.

A very refreshing drink, in more ways than one!

Next time, as I mentioned less cucumber, and instead of apple, I will try mango. And maybe more spinach.  Haha but it was good!  Not good enough to post an actual recipe, mind you, but still, good.  :)

My smoothie downed, my top dry, I am off to the grocery store!  I shall return, victorious and produce-heavy.


OK I have returned!!  I'm oil pulling as I type this, so if I sound funny, that's why.  heh heh.

That frothy smoothie from earlier kept me so full all afternoon, and gave me lots of energy.  So much, that I ended up biking over to my Mom's place, 6.4 km away, something that seemed impossible last week when I got the bike.  Yay!!  I didn't call her to let her know I was coming, because I didn't leave the house with that intention.  But I rode in her direction, and pretty soon, I saw landmarks that I was surprised to reach already, so I kept going.  As it turned out, it was challenging but totally doable!  Go Me!

We walked down to the drugstore and this is no small feat for Mom, since she has a cane for osteoarthritis in her right knee.  But she did it!  She has been wanting to get some color for her hair, so when we got back to the house, I sat her down in the kitchen and we went at it.  We had a lovely time, joking around as we do.  The lady at the drugstore said that because Mom had a lot of white, that we should go darker than her pre-white color (she was a classic red head).  Then she said, "Cause you know, you don't want it to go pink."  And I knew just what she meant, and it's the last thing I wanted (next to Bozo the Clown Red, my other concern.)

So I ended up choosing a dark auburn, that in the end, freaked my Mother out!!  Damn!  Hahaha I thought she looked super cute, and much younger, but she's never had such dark hair, (not to mention it's been white for the past few years) and it'll take some getting used to.  Lol poor Sweetie!!  She kept said, "It's not your fault, Honey, you did a fanTASTIC job!"  Haha I'll call her in the morning and see if she feels any better about it.  :D

All that was left to do was bike another 6.4 back to my door!  All in all, a good day.  Well, except for Mom!!


A little less cuke, a little more red, a lot of cycling

I'm down to nothing in my cupboards and fridge, and I went out on my bike to go pick a few things up at the grocery store.  But suddenly, I zigged instead of zagged, and ended up at the consignment store where I spent my beans on 3 summer tops!  (That's nourishment, right?)

Fortunately, at $2 each, I still had some left over for food.  ;)

But did I go to the grocery store from there?  Of course not!  I'm a woman!  I went back home to try on the tops!

Still hungry (doh) I looked again in my fridge and found that I did have 1/2 a pineapple, a cucumber, a little spinach, and an apple.  It was all in there when I last looked, but now that my world made sense again, a world where a woman can get cute summer wear for the total of $6, I saw it all with new eyes.  This time, I saw a Smoothie!

So I took about 1/2 a cucumber, (which in fact, turned out to be too much, and sort of took over the taste) cut up that 1/2 pineapple into chunks, sliced the apple, and threw in the handful of spinach and set the Vitamix a-going.

It made 3 big, frothy glasses full.  I am unsure as to the source of the froth, whether it's the pineapple or the cuke, but it separated as it sat there, with froth rising to the top. If memory serves, it's the pineapple. I suppose one could spoon it off, but I just drank it, and the juice that made it past it.  Until, of course, I misjudged the speed the juice made it past the froth, and spewed green juice down my chin and onto my new blue top.

A very refreshing drink, in more ways than one!

Next time, as I mentioned less cucumber, and instead of apple, I will try mango. And maybe more spinach.  Haha but it was good!  Not good enough to post an actual recipe, mind you, but still, good.  :)

My smoothie downed, my top dry, I am off to the grocery store!  I shall return, victorious and produce-heavy.


OK I have returned!!  I'm oil pulling as I type this, so if I sound funny, that's why.  heh heh.

That frothy smoothie from earlier kept me so full all afternoon, and gave me lots of energy.  So much, that I ended up biking over to my Mom's place, 6.4 km away, something that seemed impossible last week when I got the bike.  Yay!!  I didn't call her to let her know I was coming, because I didn't leave the house with that intention.  But I rode in her direction, and pretty soon, I saw landmarks that I was surprised to reach already, so I kept going.  As it turned out, it was challenging but totally doable!  Go Me!

We walked down to the drugstore and this is no small feat for Mom, since she has a cane for osteoarthritis in her right knee.  But she did it!  She has been wanting to get some color for her hair, so when we got back to the house, I sat her down in the kitchen and we went at it.  We had a lovely time, joking around as we do.  The lady at the drugstore said that because Mom had a lot of white, that we should go darker than her pre-white color (she was a classic red head).  Then she said, "Cause you know, you don't want it to go pink."  And I knew just what she meant, and it's the last thing I wanted (next to Bozo the Clown Red, my other concern.)

So I ended up choosing a dark auburn, that in the end, freaked my Mother out!!  Damn!  Hahaha I thought she looked super cute, and much younger, but she's never had such dark hair, (not to mention it's been white for the past few years) and it'll take some getting used to.  Lol poor Sweetie!!  She kept said, "It's not your fault, Honey, you did a fanTASTIC job!"  Haha I'll call her in the morning and see if she feels any better about it.  :D

All that was left to do was bike another 6.4 back to my door!  All in all, a good day.  Well, except for Mom!!


Tuesday 7 May 2013

I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.

Hey Rawkers!

Since May 1st, just a tender 7 days ago, I once again turned to raw and health.

I've found some new recipes, am back to smoothies and health-consciousness, and  I bought myself a bicycle.  What a relief it is.  All of it.  I'm feeling better by the day.  Oh and the other thing I've been doing is a 30-day Ab Challenge.  Just something I found going around on Facebook, and I thought, 'What the hell' with no great commitment to begin with, but 7 days in, I would like to see it through. 

Each day, I'm building up to the next day, it seems.  So while it always is a challenge, I am that much more up to it because of what I've done the day before. 

Another thing I've been doing again is Oil Pulling.  I'm sure everyone who reads this blog already knows what this is, but in case you don't, here is a link.

So as you know, I've been in a completely different lifestyle than when I started this blog a few years ago.  I'm no longer with my old boyfriend of 17 years.  And in a way, that's kept me away from this blog.  I've been very open about my life with him in it, and everything reminded me of that time.  I've grown so much and moved so far beyond that time in my life, sweet as it was in many ways.  I've let go now, and coming back feels right.

If you've been reading before now, you are likely also aware that I've been hit and miss with raw after my initial success with weight loss and vibrant health.  I don't know how many people out there are like me, in the way I go in and out of believing and giving up, believing and giving up, but I'm here to say that I have broken this cycle now.  I've taken up forgiveness and gratitude as my new hobbies, and my world is changing from the inside out, as a result. 

Where before, I came back to raw and good health from a place of "OMG, I'm so fat again, I've got to do something!!" now I'm just finding myself back here out of self-love.  Isn't that beautiful?  It makes me smile and breathe more deeply just writing that. 

I don't know if you've heard of Ho'oponopono?  It's a Hawaiian forgiveness 'ritual' or even, 'lifestyle'.  The word itself means 'to make right', and is based on 100% responsibility for whatever crosses one's path.  (That is different than it being your fault.) The premise is that whatever I'm faced with, whatever I see, whether I like it or I don't, I 'clean' what it brings up inside me, via this phrase.  It's become engrained in me now to have the following phrases run in my mind:  I'm sorry ... please forgive me ... I love you ... thank you.   Ho'oponopono states that we are either operating from memories or inspiration. It has opened up my world by 'cleaning' up the times I'm reacting from memory, and by having room inside me for inspiration.  All sorts of beautiful new possibilities live in me now.  About a year ago, when I first was told about it, and the 100% responsibility part, I thought, HA like I want to be that responsible!"  But I get it now. 
Read more about Ho'oponopono here.

I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.

Hey Rawkers!

Since May 1st, just a tender 7 days ago, I once again turned to raw and health.

I've found some new recipes, am back to smoothies and health-consciousness, and  I bought myself a bicycle.  What a relief it is.  All of it.  I'm feeling better by the day.  Oh and the other thing I've been doing is a 30-day Ab Challenge.  Just something I found going around on Facebook, and I thought, 'What the hell' with no great commitment to begin with, but 7 days in, I would like to see it through. 

Each day, I'm building up to the next day, it seems.  So while it always is a challenge, I am that much more up to it because of what I've done the day before. 

Another thing I've been doing again is Oil Pulling.  I'm sure everyone who reads this blog already knows what this is, but in case you don't, here is a link.

So as you know, I've been in a completely different lifestyle than when I started this blog a few years ago.  I'm no longer with my old boyfriend of 17 years.  And in a way, that's kept me away from this blog.  I've been very open about my life with him in it, and everything reminded me of that time.  I've grown so much and moved so far beyond that time in my life, sweet as it was in many ways.  I've let go now, and coming back feels right.

If you've been reading before now, you are likely also aware that I've been hit and miss with raw after my initial success with weight loss and vibrant health.  I don't know how many people out there are like me, in the way I go in and out of believing and giving up, believing and giving up, but I'm here to say that I have broken this cycle now.  I've taken up forgiveness and gratitude as my new hobbies, and my world is changing from the inside out, as a result. 

Where before, I came back to raw and good health from a place of "OMG, I'm so fat again, I've got to do something!!" now I'm just finding myself back here out of self-love.  Isn't that beautiful?  It makes me smile and breathe more deeply just writing that. 

I don't know if you've heard of Ho'oponopono?  It's a Hawaiian forgiveness 'ritual' or even, 'lifestyle'.  The word itself means 'to make right', and is based on 100% responsibility for whatever crosses one's path.  (That is different than it being your fault.) The premise is that whatever I'm faced with, whatever I see, whether I like it or I don't, I 'clean' what it brings up inside me, via this phrase.  It's become engrained in me now to have the following phrases run in my mind:  I'm sorry ... please forgive me ... I love you ... thank you.   Ho'oponopono states that we are either operating from memories or inspiration. It has opened up my world by 'cleaning' up the times I'm reacting from memory, and by having room inside me for inspiration.  All sorts of beautiful new possibilities live in me now.  About a year ago, when I first was told about it, and the 100% responsibility part, I thought, HA like I want to be that responsible!"  But I get it now. 
Read more about Ho'oponopono here.

Friday 29 March 2013

Life Today

Hey Rawkers...

Life in the VitaMix continues... I am living in London, Ontario, in order to be close to my Mom.  I've been staying with a couple friends in a couple towns, and now as of next week, will have my own little loft in a house shared with a nice woman.  Aaaaahhh loving the thought of settling in somewhere.

Do you know what I think about most when I picture a little space to nest in?  Setting up my raw food equipment again.  In the order of what I miss the most:  my juicer, my vitamix, my food processor, my dehydrator, and my spirooli.  SO looking forward to drinking green juices again.  My body is SO READY.

Also, looking forward to eating 'my way' again.  This little produce chart (above) inspires me to shop by color.  These next few months are for cleansing and healing my tired and overweight (again!!) body.

The big lesson lately is to reach for the best thought in every situation.  Otherwise, I go down the rabbit hole, and it's dark down there!! 

So, to achieve what I’m seeking to create, I'm choosing to accept whatever is happening in my life at the moment, and opting to BE HAPPY NOW.  How?  By always reaching for the best-feeling thought in every moment.  Feeling good attracts more good.  

How *you* doin'?

Life Today

Hey Rawkers...

Life in the VitaMix continues... I am living in London, Ontario, in order to be close to my Mom.  I've been staying with a couple friends in a couple towns, and now as of next week, will have my own little loft in a house shared with a nice woman.  Aaaaahhh loving the thought of settling in somewhere.

Do you know what I think about most when I picture a little space to nest in?  Setting up my raw food equipment again.  In the order of what I miss the most:  my juicer, my vitamix, my food processor, my dehydrator, and my spirooli.  SO looking forward to drinking green juices again.  My body is SO READY.

Also, looking forward to eating 'my way' again.  This little produce chart (above) inspires me to shop by color.  These next few months are for cleansing and healing my tired and overweight (again!!) body.

The big lesson lately is to reach for the best thought in every situation.  Otherwise, I go down the rabbit hole, and it's dark down there!! 

So, to achieve what I’m seeking to create, I'm choosing to accept whatever is happening in my life at the moment, and opting to BE HAPPY NOW.  How?  By always reaching for the best-feeling thought in every moment.  Feeling good attracts more good.  

How *you* doin'?

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