I made a tortilla to wrap around the Bean-less Falafels we're having for dinner. Everything's hummin' away in the dehydrator as I type. I've come to associate that hum with all things delicious, and I can't wait to eat! (she said, downing her green smoothie.) :)
I'm crazy about everything kitchen lately. This is so funny to my boyfriend and me. I was so anti-kitchen before, honestly. I didn't know how to make sense of anything if it wasn't already on my plate and ready to eat. This is a very surprising latent passion.
But a passion it is.
I'm happy to report that I'll be hosting some raw food workshops in the near future. I already have my first location and some interested folks. I just have to manifest a Vitamix!! Easy-peasy, Baby... I am so great at manifesting, it would *almost* be unnerving if it wasn't so cool!!! UPDATE (10 days, not bad!!) UPDATE (It's heeeere!!!!)
I just opened the dehydrator now, after a couple hours of ignoring it, so I could flip my tortillas off the teflex (they are perfect!) and I couldn't resist stealing a little chunk off one of the falafel balls, and OMG it's SO DAMN GOOD that one chunk turned into a whole ball. I could pop these like candy.
I love raw so much!!
I'll update dinner with photos.
Have a happy Saturday, Rawkers!
UPDATE: Dinner was DIVINE!!!
I can't say enough about how delicious this meal was. I couldn't stop moaning and making OMG noises. I'd say it's hands-down the best raw recipe I've ever eaten. Like, as good as the raw brownies. (Now you KNOW I'm not kidding.) No one in my life will ever believe these things are raw.

Next, I rolled it, burrito-style and praised it like a god. I was in awe of how well it all turned out and how beautiful it looked.

S.A.D. falafels are deep-fried or pan fried, yet are considered healthy. These couldn't be further from fried but they taste it. The dehydrator crisps them lightly on the outside, leaving them soft on the inside. The taste is out of this world...and addictive!!
I'm going to make these when our friend comes to dinner in a couple weeks. He's sorta pokin' at raw, and I told him I'd make him a dinner of my favorite 'samplers' and I'm so adding these!! He'll flip!! Methinks I'm about to become a personal chef. I think anyone who has this will need it weekly.
If you have a dehydrator, GO MAKE THESE! :)
Hot damn, these were good.
you, falafels tortilla-fied, my house, STAT!!!!!!
ps i found out from one of my students on Saturday that she has a source for cheap same-as-brand Vitamixes ... want me to hook you up?!!
Ah, sg one day I'll build you such a feast!! I think the two of us in the kitchen would be raw dervishes!! As for a vitamix hookup, wouldn't the shipping from nz make up for the 'cheap' part? ;) Thanks, though!! :)
they are in the dehydrator now!! I want extra crispy balls (lol) I'm also trying a zucchini experiment... we shall see. I'm excited and at least I have you to blame if the hubby doesn't like them! haha
You have me to blame, do ya?! ;) Well now, no pressure... aheh...
What is your zucchini experiment?
PS Are you making the tortilla like a good girl? ;)
Oh, that looks delicious!
I have a place in mind for my first class as well, all I need is a blender! I am doing tons of reading to be on top of things for all the questions that come up. Exciting stuff ;)
Back to manifesting my red Blendtec...
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