Still floating around from my raw chef's class on Sunday, I shopped for 'Angel Hair Pasta with Marinara Sauce' and 'Date Nut Torte'.
These were two of my favorite raw dishes, and noting how quick and easy they were to make, I figured I'd dazzle Steve with a great dinner.
He thinks he won the dinner lottery because of my renewed passion in un-cooking! When I'm into something, I AM INTO SOMETHING! My friend listened to me glow on about the course and the lovely teacher, the surroundings, the food, my future in raw foods, everything, and I suddenly noticed myself and stopped talking, aware that I'd been going on a while. She said, "No, go on! I love seeing you all fired up and I can't wait to see you go 500% into this!" xo
Back to dinner, I had most of the ingredients here, but needed to pick up fresh zucchini so I could spiralize it into 'noodles'. I used my trusty spiral slicer (shown below), and cranked out a big bowl of 'pasta' with it.

Angel Hair Pasta and Marinara Sauce
3-4 zucchini
Marinara Sauce:
2 1/2 cups tomatoes
1/4 cup olive oil
4 cloves garlic
1/8 tsp cayenne
12 sundried tomatoes, soaked
1 tsp celtic sea salt
2 tbs parsley (oregano/basil/italian spice)
3 pitted dates
Spiralize the zucchini (or slice *very* thin if you don't own a spiralizer)
Pour angel hair zucchini pasta into a bowl
Place all of the Marinara Sauce ingredients into the food processor and blend until smooth.
Pour sauce over angel hair zucchini and serve. (Rawkin' note: I smooshed it all in there with my bare hands, coating the whole business with the sauce.)
For dessert, we enjoyed Date Nut Torte. I pretty much promise you will too!
Date Nut TorteFudgy, creamy, and sweet!
Base of Tort:
2 cups raisins
2 cups walnuts
1 cup dates, pitted and soaked
3 tbsp lemon juice
For Base: In a food processor, combine raisins and walnuts and process until well blended and moist. (This will take a few minutes and you may see it forming into a ball. Just make sure the raisins come out looking like a fudgy mixture and are not still grainy. Remove from processor and mold onto a plate in a circle about 1 1/2 inches thick.
For Frosting: In a food processor, combine dates and lemon juice until smooth and creamy. Spread the frosting on top of the torte.
Note: I like this served at room temp as the frosting and torte are still sticky, but if you want a firmer texture that will be easier to slice, refrigerate it for a few hours.
Both recipes are from Living On Live Food - Alissa Cohen, and are just 2 of 9 yummelicious dishes you can learn to make at the Level One Living on Live Raw Chef Course.
Here's a piccy of this divine dessert:
1 comment:
I have that Saladaco thingy. Yes it works, but it is SHARP. I injured my finger on that thing so deep that it required stitches. Be very careful.
BTW: Very nice blog....
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