8 am - ½ mini watermelon, which gave me indigestion. My thought now about watermelon is that I eat them much too quickly, and gulp down a lot of air.

I could try to eat them less voraciously, I guess…but it’s just that they’re so juicy and sweet and there’s not much to chew on and I just go for bite after bite after sweet sweet bite! But then I feel like Shiite, so I’ll just grow up and slow down. ;)
8:30 Fennel tea to get rid of the indigestion, which it promptly did.
9:30 Glass of green smoothie containing spinach, kale, chard, black/blue/raspberries, apple Purple-y DELICIOUS!!
1 pm At times, it seems I’m trying to get too fancy with these smoothies!! This one tasted like shiite!! 2 pears, 1 banana, blueberries, way. too. much. parsley. . . then, when I tried to fix it with raspberries, the whole frozen clump fell into the blender and sank to the bottom! Blarg!! But I drank it. Most of it.
3 pm ½ pineapple
4:45 green smoothie containing 2 bananas, 2 apples, blueberries, big handfuls of spinach…delicious and it really hit the spot!
11:15 pm back from the gig, ate a Bartlett Pear, went to bed.
Some thoughts I've been chewing on...
Well, if anything in my body has been 're-set' this week of no-fat eating, it's my hunger and its signals.
What's come out of this is the feeling that hunger is not an emergency state in my body. I can only say this from a place of abundance. If I were desperately hungry due to lack of options, and this was not a choice I'm making, I would be singing a different tune.
But in this controlled study, so to speak, I'm able to keep not only optimistic, but very, very satisfied on very, very little.
It raises my awareness of just how priviledged I am to be in the position to make such a choice. Funny that focusing on less has made me more aware and grateful of my abundance.

Prior to last night's gig at the fish n chips place, I was thinking I'd have to bring pitchers of green smoothies, a giant salad, and some fruit for the car so I'd be able to zip out on breaks and eat feverishly to battle the temptations inside the restaurant.
But I went to the gig fuelled by a blender pitcher of green smoothie at 4:45 and it was pretty darned filling. Good thing, because in our rush to leave the house on time, I left the salad sitting on the kitchen counter, lol. When I realized this on route, I had a fleeting, "Oh, no..." but then I just took a firm stand with myself and thought, Suck it up, Buttercup! :)
Well, I was able to sail through last night with aplomb. (not a plum, aplomb.) I liken it to the same way I've been able to untangle my emotions from bottles of beer or the smell of dope. In years past, all it would take was seeing or smelling those things and I was a gonner. And I think that I, like most folks, am the same with various foods. But last night, I didn't connect the platters of food I saw, with myself. And come to think of it, the smell of food didn't trigger anything in me.
I guess I just know I'm on a different mission this week, and that's that. I'm very strong in that way. When it's time to knuckle down, I'm your girl.
I've been going longer and longer stretches in the day time this week without needing to eat, so at no point in the evening did I even think of food!
I just sang my set, then hosted the night. It was pretty cool, actually, a bluegrass ensemble came in...there were about 7 or them, and we all settled in thinking it was going to be smokin' hot licks and they announced that this was their first time playing together as a group! Aw, man, they had the place in the palm of their hands!! It was great! The owner, who has a big heart, offered that they can have the place on Wednesday nights to come play and practice. What a gift, heh? The whole night was a lot of fun.
On the drive home, my boyfriend and I discussed how it was for us, and he said he was fine, but starving. And I totally knew what he meant. Hunger is coming from a different place. It doesn't feel all messed up with emotions.
That's why when I came home, at 11 or so, I took 2 Bartlett pears, ate one, and put one back and went to bed.
I find this fascinating. :)
Wow, good for you. How long will you go without fat? I know it's an important nutrient, so I was just wondering. Are you losing weight?
I think the raw diet is a cure for many -isms: alcohol, drug, food, consumer, entitlement
Countdown to my raw adventure (May 24th). I'm wondering how to start. Should I fast a day? Do juice for a while? How to kick it off?
Sending you green love.
Hi Aurora,
Thanks for the green love!! Back atcha!
We are just doing 1 week of fat free eating, ala Victoria Boutenko. Fat *is* an important nutrient, and I wouldn't do this long term.
I've got updates since day 1 here on the blog, and tomorrow is the last day, so Monday will be Day 7's update.
The weight loss I've experienced is negligible at best, couple pounds, but it's not m.o. so any pounds released is but a bonus! :)
I agree that the raw diet is a cure for many isms! :)
YAY on the countdown to your raw adventure!! BEST thing you could do in these couple weeks is to add a big daily salad and keep drinking green smoothies and doing juices!! (Not sure how raw you're talking, but easing in is always best, and it's great you have a date planned!!)
Big hug,
Hi! I just wanted to say THANK YOU for posting all your updates - I am currently 32 weeks pregnant w/baby #7 and have been raw off & on for the past 3 years. But this pregnancy it's been extremely hard to stick to it - lots & lots of junk food enters my mouth. =(
Today is the first day of my 30-day challenge, and I am truly inspired by your fat free week. Something about reading how others are doing with raw (successfully!) and their results just really puts everything into perspective. It doesn't matter if I'm the only one in my family doing this - others (like you) are out there doing it, and I know I can too!
So anyway, thank you and I am looking forward to more updates. I'm taking my "before" pictures today! =)
Hi Sherah,
Congratulations on baby #7! WOW!
I appreciate your loving comment.
I need to say up front that I don't advise or generally advocate a NO fat raw vegan lifestlyle. I'm only doing this for myself, and for one week only. I would NOT do this while pregnant.
Congrats on 3 years of on/off raw!
We are the experts of our own body, and I trust you know what you're doing, but I don't know anything about being raw during pregnancy. Is this something you've done prior? I wouldn't personally make a radical change in your diet at this point, as of course, it'll affect your child. I know those last weeks are so hard, and I'm wondering if you can ease yourself ever so gently into this so that you can be more and more raw after the baby comes? (If you hear caution in this, it's because it's there! This is a hard response to write because I'm being so careful not to sound like I know you better than you know yourself, but I'll be honest, it makes me nervous to think you're commenting that you're inspired by the no-fat aspect, when it's a minute and fleeting part of what I've done in 2 years of this raw blog.)
As has been pointed out, fat is an important nutrient, and one that every body needs. Pregnant bodies in particular.
While I'm not usually one to tell anyone how to live, let alone, eat, it would be my opinion that you enjoy your pregnancy eating a varied diet, including lots of salads and smoothies, but definitely keep the healthy fat content in there...avocados, some nuts, oils, etc.
I hope you read this in the spirit it was written, with love. All the best with your healthy choices in your pregnancy.
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