Since May 1st, just a tender 7 days ago, I once again turned to raw and health.
I've found some new recipes, am back to smoothies and health-consciousness, and I bought myself a bicycle. What a relief it is. All of it. I'm feeling better by the day. Oh and the other thing I've been doing is a 30-day Ab Challenge. Just something I found going around on Facebook, and I thought, 'What the hell' with no great commitment to begin with, but 7 days in, I would like to see it through.
Each day, I'm building up to the next day, it seems. So while it always is a challenge, I am that much more up to it because of what I've done the day before.
Another thing I've been doing again is Oil Pulling. I'm sure everyone who reads this blog already knows what this is, but in case you don't, here is a link.
So as you know, I've been in a completely different lifestyle than when I started this blog a few years ago. I'm no longer with my old boyfriend of 17 years. And in a way, that's kept me away from this blog. I've been very open about my life with him in it, and everything reminded me of that time. I've grown so much and moved so far beyond that time in my life, sweet as it was in many ways. I've let go now, and coming back feels right.
If you've been reading before now, you are likely also aware that I've been hit and miss with raw after my initial success with weight loss and vibrant health. I don't know how many people out there are like me, in the way I go in and out of believing and giving up, believing and giving up, but I'm here to say that I have broken this cycle now. I've taken up forgiveness and gratitude as my new hobbies, and my world is changing from the inside out, as a result.
Where before, I came back to raw and good health from a place of "OMG, I'm so fat again, I've got to do something!!" now I'm just finding myself back here out of self-love. Isn't that beautiful? It makes me smile and breathe more deeply just writing that.

I don't know if you've heard of Ho'oponopono? It's a Hawaiian forgiveness 'ritual' or even, 'lifestyle'. The word itself means 'to make right', and is based on 100% responsibility for whatever crosses one's path. (That is different than it being your fault.) The premise is that whatever I'm faced with, whatever I see, whether I like it or I don't, I 'clean' what it brings up inside me, via this phrase. It's become engrained in me now to have the following phrases run in my mind: I'm sorry ... please forgive me ... I love you ... thank you. Ho'oponopono states that we are either operating from memories or inspiration. It has opened up my world by 'cleaning' up the times I'm reacting from memory, and by having room inside me for inspiration. All sorts of beautiful new possibilities live in me now. About a year ago, when I first was told about it, and the 100% responsibility part, I thought, HA like I want to be that responsible!" But I get it now.
Read more about Ho'oponopono here.
Mahalo, Ms. Luce. Not getting links and can't take responsibility for that. Am so interested in this concept.
Ha! It was my responsibility to reread the post with my glasses ON ! Found the links. Love you so.
Your openness is one of things that makes your blog so great. Life on Earth is a little less daunting when I see someone else's life ends up in the Vitamix sometimes too.
Now, off to look up Ho'oponopono :)
I'm right now listening to the first of many beautiful interviews with Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Hew Len, about Ho'oponopono. I'm listening to the top one that says "Listen" with both their photos side by side. Man, it's good!! It says it better than I ever could:
enjoy xoxo
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