Yesterday was just great; I kept my motivation. My new motto is 'how fabulous can it get for me?' and I'm just going to take steps in the "right" direction in all areas of my life and keep reaching for choices that contribute to FABULOUS.
So I had a couple smoothies yeserday, off to a good start!!
The weather here is sunny and spring like, so I'm going to walk to the grocery store and buy a bit of produce. I took advantage of this spring weather yesterday, too, when I took an hour walk out in the sun. Lovely! Brings me back to Maui. Well, except for the traffic and noise.

Omg, Maui. Best thing I ever did in my entire life. Remember, I blogged about it being the biggest thing I'd ever done? Well it was that, and it was also the best. I used to be deathly afraid of flying, and then I worked on my phobia with EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and over a few sessions, the fear has unbelievably vanished, to the point where, a week after we landed, I booked a helicopter tour of Maui! Of the 10 folks on the trip, I was the only one who wanted to. EFT is amazing stuff, Man!!! Here is a link to the helicopter taking off, complete with my stunned and joyful reaction.
Well, my next logical step from here is to go to the grocery store. *poof* back to Earth.
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