There was a special showing of La Boheme at a downtown theatre on Valentines Day. It was a sub-titled stage performance from the Teatro Real, in Madrid, shown on high def film. There was even a 20 minute intermission.
I got there just after it began, and I stood in the dark waiting for my eyes to adjust so I didn't end up on someone's lap. I got so engrossed, it was a while before I remembered to sit down. I could just make out the aisle seat of the back row so I took it.
It wasn't until intermission and lights came up, that I saw that there was only a smattering of folks in the whole theatre; most of them over 60. This probably shouldn't have surprised me, seeing as I knew there had been no point in even trying to talk my boyfriend into joining me, and I went solo most happily. I just figured since it was Valentines Day, etc. But I counted, and there were only 21 of us!
I did buy popcorn at intermission and I absolutely enjoyed the hell out of it, guiltlessly I might add. I also brought along raw chocolate that I let melt in my mouth during most of the last act. I've been making the base of those raw brownies...walnuts, dates, and raw cacao, and that's all...just slicing it up into little cut tootsie rolls and popping them like, well, candy. Combined with the soul-stirring, soaring voices; notes that catch in my throat and make me weep...ahhh....it was so sweet.
The whole damn thing was so sweet.
Sounds wonderful, sweet girl.
XOX Islander
That sounds like a wonderful, wonderful Valentine's day.
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