I dug around some old recipes yesterday and made the ever-delicious eggless egg salad, and spread it on my home made flax crackers from the other day, added tomato and spinach and took a really bad picture of it before chompin' it down. :)
I mean, that really doesn't look very appetizing, does it? But it was delish!!! The broccoli you see is (look hard) is a raw recipe called Marinated Broccoli... I made it last year and loved it, but this year, I felt it had too much garlic, and the whole business hurt my teeth, wth? I'll be adjusting that recipe or ditching it, not sure. Probably adjusting it, cause coming up with anything good that has raw broccoli in it is a challenge for me. I love the taste, but the texture is over the top when it's raw. Maybe that's just one of the things I need to lightly steam. But cruciferous veggies shouldn't be missed, right, so I do need to figure this one out. Any good raw broccoli ideas out there?
I'm already waking up feeling lighter and my boyfriend swears I'm looking lighter too, and well, why would I argue with that? :>)
Today I'm shopping for the ingredients of raw chili from Gabriel Cousens' book Rainbow Green Live Food Cuisine (geez I think that's the name of it, haven't cracked that thing in months!) haha but today's the day. So that's dinner, along with raw vegan brownies...yes, THOSE!! Can't wait!! So chili, a salad, flax crackers, and brownies.
Life is good :)
If I leave right now...I can make it for dinner XOX Islander
There's still time! Run!
Actually, for a raw dinner, this one was quick! Usually it's more like, 'if I leave right now, I can make it for Monday's dinner...! :-p
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