So I had a good eatin' day... stayed raw!
Loaded up on organic produce last night instead of watching Ugly Betty, which, right there, should show my level of committment. I try never to miss this cute show, but for the first time in a long time, I got my priorities straight. Yeah, I'm a-comin' back to my best self.
The 'awfuckits' sure are a sneaky bunch. It sure is wonderful to find that door to giving a shit again! It's that mentality thing I spoke about in earlier posts. I see that jumping in to a raw lifestyle because of a divine inspiration is like starting with rocket fuel, like say, you've read a great book that kicks your pants. Like when I read the Raw Food Detox Diet by Natalia Rose.
But, are you like me, where you can't reach backwards for inspiration? Try as I might, I can not work it up by revisiting something in the past. I tried, though, and in the end I just decided to jump in whether I felt it or not. And with only two days under my tight belt, I feel better, and extremely hopeful again, which is everything, because it's the path to continuing in the right direction.
I can't tell you what a boon message boards have been in this. I am using them for support and I am so grateful to have like-minded folks in the same corner. We are all reaching for the same thing, while being incredibly, gorgeously human about it. I just love it.
Were we separated at birth... I have The Raw Food Detox Diet book on my desk, up the stairs from where it was in the kitchen, and the next room over from where it first went from the kitchen to my bedside table. It's been travelling for about a week. Just haven't opened it.
Am however, just doing it. I so get that Nike phrase.
Sunny and raw on the Island today... More expected tomorrow. XOX Islander
How beautiful, Islander!! And yes, I've always felt the 'separated at birth' connection :)
Love you to pieces and am so glad to be sharing this raw trip with you!!
hey angel girl
so cool to see you getting back on the track again .... we all know it's only ourselves we let down by not staying in this place of wonderful raw energetic-ness!! but actually ... it occurs to me that the world is a much better place when we are our fully energised selves too ... in your part of the world, more beautiful paintings, more beautiful music coming from your beautiful self!!!
So glad to see you're posting again..I was checkin in on you during the summer a bit and it was kind of quiet! I'm a new vegan (2 months) and try to do raw most of the time but damn! Life gets in the way if you let it. Anyway, thanks for your insight and wisdom..by the way your before and after pictures were 100% the reason I started. You're beautiful! Kathy
Ah, how beautiful of you, SG. Thank you for this gorgeous comment. I can't wait to give you a hug for REALS! :)
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