Wow, I just had a Green Lemonade, for the second day in a row. (This is a juicer drink)
I'd forgotten how marvelous these are!! The recipe is from Natalia Rose's Raw Food Detox Diet:
1 head romaine lettuce
5 or 6 stalks kale (any type)
(I split between kale and spinach; 2 kale stalks an a small handful of baby spinach)
1-2 apples (fuji, macs; a sweet apple)
1-2 inches fresh ginger (optional, and I don't)
Dayum, this is good. I've been lost in green smoothie land and had stopped making these, but yesterday I had a wild hair and made one.
Well I liked it so much that I went out and bought more produce today and made another.
I'll still have a green smoothie, it doesn't have to be one or the other, right? I can have my smoothie as an afternoon snacky!!
Monday, 29 September 2008
Green Lemonade Revisted
Wow, I just had a Green Lemonade, for the second day in a row. (This is a juicer drink)
I'd forgotten how marvelous these are!! The recipe is from Natalia Rose's Raw Food Detox Diet:
1 head romaine lettuce
5 or 6 stalks kale (any type)
(I split between kale and spinach; 2 kale stalks an a small handful of baby spinach)
1-2 apples (fuji, macs; a sweet apple)
1-2 inches fresh ginger (optional, and I don't)
Dayum, this is good. I've been lost in green smoothie land and had stopped making these, but yesterday I had a wild hair and made one.
Well I liked it so much that I went out and bought more produce today and made another.
I'll still have a green smoothie, it doesn't have to be one or the other, right? I can have my smoothie as an afternoon snacky!!
I'd forgotten how marvelous these are!! The recipe is from Natalia Rose's Raw Food Detox Diet:
1 head romaine lettuce
5 or 6 stalks kale (any type)
(I split between kale and spinach; 2 kale stalks an a small handful of baby spinach)
1-2 apples (fuji, macs; a sweet apple)
1-2 inches fresh ginger (optional, and I don't)
Dayum, this is good. I've been lost in green smoothie land and had stopped making these, but yesterday I had a wild hair and made one.
Well I liked it so much that I went out and bought more produce today and made another.
I'll still have a green smoothie, it doesn't have to be one or the other, right? I can have my smoothie as an afternoon snacky!!
Thursday, 11 September 2008

Is there anything draining you?
There are things that drain me on sight, yet I've gotten used to their presence in my life and until I really sit and focus, can't put my finger on why they bug me, or even exactly what they are.
I was getting dressed the other day and open my dresser drawer to select a tee shirt to wear. I lifted one out, then had the passing thought, 'Nah...' and put it back, choosing another instead.
It suddenly occured to me that I always get a 'Nah' when I pick up that shirt, yet I have had it for years. Why was it still in my dresser when I spent 9 out of 10 times rejecting it? So just like that, seniority be damned, I ripped it up and now it's a paint rag, living out its life in a way that I will love and appreciate its presence in my life. Reborn in a way I really need it.
I hadn't realized until that moment just how much it had drained me slightly every time I looked at it and considered wearing it.
It was then that I got looking around my small, cluttered apartment, (a space that reminds me of me, when I try to stuff my current self into a pair of 'past' jeans: junk everywhere.) :)
Anyway, looking around, I realize that I've stopped really seeing a lot of this stuff. It's just always there. When company is coming over, my vision goes into survival mode and I can suddenly see my apartment differently, as company will see it. Remember those 'magic eye' books? Like that.
So I give the place a squinty look around with these thoughts in mind:
1) does this give me energy, raise my vibration, make me happy or hopeful?
2)Or does it drain me like that shirt?
From knick knacks on my mantle to pictures on the wall, out it went. All crap! Just kidding, all stuff I am giving new life to, on a shelf at the thrift store. (Where it of course came from in the first place.)
So what's this got to do with raw?
Well, the de-cluttering frenzy included my kitchen and fridge, because the more I've been coming back to mindfully and consistently eating raw and living foods, the more I've decluttered my eating. I'm eating more simply and feeling so great!
By letting go of the things that have been draining me, I have created room for life to flow.
I'm on a mission to be filled up by my raw life! I love myself most when I'm raw. My thoughts turn bright and my energy is incredible.
I've been working out in the gym and feeling so hopeful and 'on the path'. It's really nice to sit here and notice how hard life is RAWKIN'!!
Join me!!
Dear Santa: I'm in sore need of a couple new appliances (a blender and a food processor) and that will complete this completely refreshing makeover!!)

Is there anything draining you?
There are things that drain me on sight, yet I've gotten used to their presence in my life and until I really sit and focus, can't put my finger on why they bug me, or even exactly what they are.
I was getting dressed the other day and open my dresser drawer to select a tee shirt to wear. I lifted one out, then had the passing thought, 'Nah...' and put it back, choosing another instead.
It suddenly occured to me that I always get a 'Nah' when I pick up that shirt, yet I have had it for years. Why was it still in my dresser when I spent 9 out of 10 times rejecting it? So just like that, seniority be damned, I ripped it up and now it's a paint rag, living out its life in a way that I will love and appreciate its presence in my life. Reborn in a way I really need it.
I hadn't realized until that moment just how much it had drained me slightly every time I looked at it and considered wearing it.
It was then that I got looking around my small, cluttered apartment, (a space that reminds me of me, when I try to stuff my current self into a pair of 'past' jeans: junk everywhere.) :)
Anyway, looking around, I realize that I've stopped really seeing a lot of this stuff. It's just always there. When company is coming over, my vision goes into survival mode and I can suddenly see my apartment differently, as company will see it. Remember those 'magic eye' books? Like that.
So I give the place a squinty look around with these thoughts in mind:
1) does this give me energy, raise my vibration, make me happy or hopeful?
2)Or does it drain me like that shirt?
From knick knacks on my mantle to pictures on the wall, out it went. All crap! Just kidding, all stuff I am giving new life to, on a shelf at the thrift store. (Where it of course came from in the first place.)
So what's this got to do with raw?
Well, the de-cluttering frenzy included my kitchen and fridge, because the more I've been coming back to mindfully and consistently eating raw and living foods, the more I've decluttered my eating. I'm eating more simply and feeling so great!
By letting go of the things that have been draining me, I have created room for life to flow.
I'm on a mission to be filled up by my raw life! I love myself most when I'm raw. My thoughts turn bright and my energy is incredible.
I've been working out in the gym and feeling so hopeful and 'on the path'. It's really nice to sit here and notice how hard life is RAWKIN'!!
Join me!!
Dear Santa: I'm in sore need of a couple new appliances (a blender and a food processor) and that will complete this completely refreshing makeover!!)
Monday, 8 September 2008
I like a little EFT with my salad. :)
EFT, or, 'Emotional Freedom Technique' is an energy therapy that's based on the same meridian system used in accupuncture and accupressure and other healing modalities. Only instead of needles or massage, people practicing EFT tap these meridians with their fingers, or have an EFT practioner tap on them.
I've had the pleasure of having a practioner help me with the rough spots that I didn't know how to address, and I also regularly 'tap' - and I don't mean dance, lol - at home, on myself. I've cleared SO MANY ISSUES and believe me, I had ', with my history of anxiety. Things that used to be so emotionally charged for me, don't bother me anymore; I don't even think about them. This clearing away of so many issues that used to hold me back has led the way to room for growth in a lot of areas of my life. Tapping let me leave that baggage behind once and for all.
It's super easy to learn, and I've read that you don't even have to 'believe' in it for it to work.
There's a new movie out about EFT, called Try it On Everything.
It's an odd looking, new-age-y sounding, woo woo thing (boy I need to tap on that.) but it works like nothing else I've ever, ever tried. I've tried so much.
What's this got to do with raw?
Well I thought I would combine eft and raw. Tap away SAD cravings and tap away any 'blocks' (or, in EFT-speak, 'aspects') in the way and clear them. By the way, they clear for good. It's true healing.
They say 'try it on everything' because no harm can come of tapping on your meridians, and it's most likely to work. If an issue doesn't clear after just a few moments (or 'rounds') of tapping, that just means there's another aspect that needs to clear.
Some aspects are under the same 'umbrella' so clearing one, clears a bunch. It's really cool and it sure has worked for me as well as countless others. Nothing to lose from trying and believe me everything to gain.
If you're interested in learning more about EFT, there's a free, downloadable EFT manual at:
I like a little EFT with my salad. :)
EFT, or, 'Emotional Freedom Technique' is an energy therapy that's based on the same meridian system used in accupuncture and accupressure and other healing modalities. Only instead of needles or massage, people practicing EFT tap these meridians with their fingers, or have an EFT practioner tap on them.
I've had the pleasure of having a practioner help me with the rough spots that I didn't know how to address, and I also regularly 'tap' - and I don't mean dance, lol - at home, on myself. I've cleared SO MANY ISSUES and believe me, I had ', with my history of anxiety. Things that used to be so emotionally charged for me, don't bother me anymore; I don't even think about them. This clearing away of so many issues that used to hold me back has led the way to room for growth in a lot of areas of my life. Tapping let me leave that baggage behind once and for all.
It's super easy to learn, and I've read that you don't even have to 'believe' in it for it to work.
There's a new movie out about EFT, called Try it On Everything.
It's an odd looking, new-age-y sounding, woo woo thing (boy I need to tap on that.) but it works like nothing else I've ever, ever tried. I've tried so much.
What's this got to do with raw?
Well I thought I would combine eft and raw. Tap away SAD cravings and tap away any 'blocks' (or, in EFT-speak, 'aspects') in the way and clear them. By the way, they clear for good. It's true healing.
They say 'try it on everything' because no harm can come of tapping on your meridians, and it's most likely to work. If an issue doesn't clear after just a few moments (or 'rounds') of tapping, that just means there's another aspect that needs to clear.
Some aspects are under the same 'umbrella' so clearing one, clears a bunch. It's really cool and it sure has worked for me as well as countless others. Nothing to lose from trying and believe me everything to gain.
If you're interested in learning more about EFT, there's a free, downloadable EFT manual at:
Friday, 5 September 2008
The veil is starting to lift again...

So I had a good eatin' day... stayed raw!
Loaded up on organic produce last night instead of watching Ugly Betty, which, right there, should show my level of committment. I try never to miss this cute show, but for the first time in a long time, I got my priorities straight. Yeah, I'm a-comin' back to my best self.
The 'awfuckits' sure are a sneaky bunch. It sure is wonderful to find that door to giving a shit again! It's that mentality thing I spoke about in earlier posts. I see that jumping in to a raw lifestyle because of a divine inspiration is like starting with rocket fuel, like say, you've read a great book that kicks your pants. Like when I read the Raw Food Detox Diet by Natalia Rose.
But, are you like me, where you can't reach backwards for inspiration? Try as I might, I can not work it up by revisiting something in the past. I tried, though, and in the end I just decided to jump in whether I felt it or not. And with only two days under my tight belt, I feel better, and extremely hopeful again, which is everything, because it's the path to continuing in the right direction.
I can't tell you what a boon message boards have been in this. I am using them for support and I am so grateful to have like-minded folks in the same corner. We are all reaching for the same thing, while being incredibly, gorgeously human about it. I just love it.
The veil is starting to lift again...

So I had a good eatin' day... stayed raw!
Loaded up on organic produce last night instead of watching Ugly Betty, which, right there, should show my level of committment. I try never to miss this cute show, but for the first time in a long time, I got my priorities straight. Yeah, I'm a-comin' back to my best self.
The 'awfuckits' sure are a sneaky bunch. It sure is wonderful to find that door to giving a shit again! It's that mentality thing I spoke about in earlier posts. I see that jumping in to a raw lifestyle because of a divine inspiration is like starting with rocket fuel, like say, you've read a great book that kicks your pants. Like when I read the Raw Food Detox Diet by Natalia Rose.
But, are you like me, where you can't reach backwards for inspiration? Try as I might, I can not work it up by revisiting something in the past. I tried, though, and in the end I just decided to jump in whether I felt it or not. And with only two days under my tight belt, I feel better, and extremely hopeful again, which is everything, because it's the path to continuing in the right direction.
I can't tell you what a boon message boards have been in this. I am using them for support and I am so grateful to have like-minded folks in the same corner. We are all reaching for the same thing, while being incredibly, gorgeously human about it. I just love it.
Wednesday, 3 September 2008
I'm counting today as Day One. It seems kind of silly to need that, but until you name a starting point, actually starting can be a slippery thing.
For about a week now, I've been talking the talk, but now, it's time to walk the walk, so I thought it best to nail it down. Would I have called it Day One had I screwed up part way? Prolly not :) But I did so great, why not start from here.
I went to the gym today, and had my first work out in quite a long while. I really love the gym. Like, LOVE it. I used to go to this gym, a ladies only gym, 4 years ago, and walking in today felt like no time had passed. I've been to a co-ed gym a few times since, but this, this is my gym. I feel like I'm back.
I had a green smoothie before my workout, and it sustained me beautifully. I drank lots of water; had a great workout!
Came home, ate a banana, and closer to dinner, had another green smoothie. Then for dinner, ate a big salad, and an avocado sandwich on sprouted grain bread. Then I got a hankering for something sweet, so I ate an apple. Then another.
What can I say, I'm transitioning... and this is an improvement!
For about a week now, I've been talking the talk, but now, it's time to walk the walk, so I thought it best to nail it down. Would I have called it Day One had I screwed up part way? Prolly not :) But I did so great, why not start from here.
I went to the gym today, and had my first work out in quite a long while. I really love the gym. Like, LOVE it. I used to go to this gym, a ladies only gym, 4 years ago, and walking in today felt like no time had passed. I've been to a co-ed gym a few times since, but this, this is my gym. I feel like I'm back.
I had a green smoothie before my workout, and it sustained me beautifully. I drank lots of water; had a great workout!
Came home, ate a banana, and closer to dinner, had another green smoothie. Then for dinner, ate a big salad, and an avocado sandwich on sprouted grain bread. Then I got a hankering for something sweet, so I ate an apple. Then another.
What can I say, I'm transitioning... and this is an improvement!
I'm counting today as Day One. It seems kind of silly to need that, but until you name a starting point, actually starting can be a slippery thing.
For about a week now, I've been talking the talk, but now, it's time to walk the walk, so I thought it best to nail it down. Would I have called it Day One had I screwed up part way? Prolly not :) But I did so great, why not start from here.
I went to the gym today, and had my first work out in quite a long while. I really love the gym. Like, LOVE it. I used to go to this gym, a ladies only gym, 4 years ago, and walking in today felt like no time had passed. I've been to a co-ed gym a few times since, but this, this is my gym. I feel like I'm back.
I had a green smoothie before my workout, and it sustained me beautifully. I drank lots of water; had a great workout!
Came home, ate a banana, and closer to dinner, had another green smoothie. Then for dinner, ate a big salad, and an avocado sandwich on sprouted grain bread. Then I got a hankering for something sweet, so I ate an apple. Then another.
What can I say, I'm transitioning... and this is an improvement!
For about a week now, I've been talking the talk, but now, it's time to walk the walk, so I thought it best to nail it down. Would I have called it Day One had I screwed up part way? Prolly not :) But I did so great, why not start from here.
I went to the gym today, and had my first work out in quite a long while. I really love the gym. Like, LOVE it. I used to go to this gym, a ladies only gym, 4 years ago, and walking in today felt like no time had passed. I've been to a co-ed gym a few times since, but this, this is my gym. I feel like I'm back.
I had a green smoothie before my workout, and it sustained me beautifully. I drank lots of water; had a great workout!
Came home, ate a banana, and closer to dinner, had another green smoothie. Then for dinner, ate a big salad, and an avocado sandwich on sprouted grain bread. Then I got a hankering for something sweet, so I ate an apple. Then another.
What can I say, I'm transitioning... and this is an improvement!
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