Now that I've been patchy about being raw every day, having lost the 'mindset', I haven't been feeling that amazing at all!
But tonight, I'm sittin' here thinking 'it only took three weeks to feel so amazing...'
Can I show up for myself for 3 weeks? (after which I'll be RAWKIN' again)...
I think so. I know so. It's just that mindset thing.
I'm ready for the vibrant change that comes with raw, that amazing energy I barely remember...good thing I documented my journey. Hey, maybe I'm still on it! Maybe I've just been on a little detour.
Anyone else want to start being more raw conscious for the next three weeks (and beyond) with me?
Anything from a daily green smoothie, to adding salad with lunch, to eating gourmet raw dehydrated meals and everything in between...
I'm going to crack open my Natalia Rose 'Raw Food Detox Diet' book again, and get all fired up!!
And I'm going to go through my own archives and get back on my own team! I've made more conscious choices in the past week, and I'm well on my way; it's that mindset thing. Usually, I climb right into something, and I guess I've been waiting to feel that again. But I think I'll just start.
There's a method to my madness...
Today I was taking a photo of the back of me, to use in a painting I'm doing. I had a whole different notion of what it was going to look like, and was shocked to see this big bubble ass! haha when the hell did that happen? I was doing so well!!
Nothing like a shot o' reality to wipe that pie off your face ;)
hey girl! I believe you can get back on that raw train and feel bulletproof. Take it from the gal who has jumped on and off many a time....but i always come running home...and this time I know it is right for me.
Trash the junk, quit poisoning yourself (me too) I believe you have a clean and beautiful soul waiting to flourish. I believe in you!
lol rawkin - those back pics! does my bum look big in this???!!! You totally rock my darlin, and i am up for at least 3 weeks of raw gorgeousness with you!!! my biggest challenge is going to be getting the amount of sleep i need, with a new boy in the picture. xxx and here's to feeling all that fabulous raw powa!!!!
Okay....I have not posted a comment in a while. I posted a few comments on your board. Life got to me...dad was dying of cancer (died 2 weeks ago), kids, summer vacation etc etc.... I went to check on your blog and saw nothing....nothing again...checked again and then finally your last post....
Anyhoo...I AM struggling to get back myself...was doing awesome...90% raw...lost some weight...looked pretty sweet this summer...
Now gained some weight...cannot get a green smoothie down for SH--
coffee... (wont say what else I did when my dad died )
but I am determined...
Tommorow is the day for the 1st morning smoothie...then slowly stick my toes in....
Good luck....I am here cheering you on....
Hi Angela,
I love that you 'always come running home' to raw. That's how I feel too. When I KNOW how to do so much better, and how incredibly better I can feel, raw does feel like home. Hard to enjoy empty foods. Thank you for believing in me!
Silvergirl, thank you! Wow, a new boy in the picture! You can sleep when you're 80! Go for it!! Yeah, here'sto all that fabulous raw powa! (Were you talking about the boy or food?) teehee
Hi Michele,
Nice to see you again!!
I'm so sorry to hear about your father.
Welcome back to raw, let's do this together! Sign up on the message board again anytime.
with love
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