Yacon is a perennial plant grown in the Andes for its crisp, sweet-tasting tuberous root. The texture and flavor has been described as a cross between a fresh apple and watermelon which is why it is sometimes referred to as the apple of the earth.
The Yacon plant is extremely complex. Its tubers are high in protein and dietary fiber, vitamins A and C, and are a good source of calcium, iron, phosphorus and potassium.
This is what it says on the back of the bag.
We've been using Yacon syrup as sweetener, but hadn't seen the chips, as I call them. The bag calls them Dried Yacon Slices.
I like them. They kinda remind me of dried apricots, only not as sweet. It's a good chew.
Steve says they taste like underwear.
Of course, I had to ask the obvious question...
I threw a couple in my blender when I made my green smoothie today, and the small handful you see in the picture was sacrificed.
The 4 oz bag cost $8.98 CDN and I'm thinking that this is my new normal, because I seem to have stopped gasping and clutching my chest at these prices.
When you asked the obvious question, what was his answer? : )
The yacon looks very yummy!
Oops, that was me. I forgot to sign my name.
Lol, Wildy, he said, straightfaced, "What a sheltered life you've lived..."
PS I THOUGHT they were yummy!! The bag has only crumbs left...
Underwear, eh? LOL!
Lovin' your blog, Lu. So informative.
xoxox Bee
Mmmmmm underoos ;)
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