I had an art show to prepare for and it sucked up all my time. Now the art is up at the venue for the month and other than painting to replace what I sold, my time is loosening up. YAY!!
During all this paint marathon (I have 22 new pieces; 40 in the show) I managed to eat well. Being winter, I talked myself into hot soup down at the grocery store salad bar more often than I shoulda, and twice I ordered Indian. Mmmmm but blech too, ya know?
Still loadin' up on green smoothies in the morning, exept for the week my kitchen was too dirty to bother. It was the last thing I wanted to do: stop my work and do dishes, so I let them slide until I started feeling 'less than my best'. No smoothies equals no maca and no maca equals no funna. haha not just sex but my chilled out, balanced feeling goes, too, and I can't. have. that. So one day in all this, it hit me, 'Why is health the first thing to go??' Why is it the first thing to disregard? Shouldn't it be the temple at which I worship? The place from which all else is able to spring? Human nature, I guess, to say, "Yeah yeah yeah, I'm busy."
Not bad though, still ate fruit in one form or another in the mornings, still ate salad most days. I guess maybe it's just that I didn't 'focus' on food. Maybe that's a good thing.
Since the show is up though, I am reinvigorated about raw and we just bought a little Biosta Sprouter. Lentils in there with tails as we speak. Quite exciting, actually. Life in my kitchen again. My clean kitchen.
Life is good.
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