Well hello again after a long-ish while! First, please note the new blog address: http://imsorawkin.blogspot.com/rather than just imrawkin... I know from reading my daily web statistics that you are all finding me no problem, the world over ;) Waving to Europe, the U.S., and Australia, and of course, Canada...thank you for your continued interest.
I've been traveling! I drove from Vancouver to Ontario, staying raw 98% of the time!
We camped the entire 3 weeks, and never once ate in a restaurant! With a cooler filled with ice, we drove from organic section to organic section of grocery stores across the country. Sometimes it was more challenging than others, but it was never impossible.
The incredible energy I get from eating raw is what spurs me onward. Well, that, and the fact that I have rid myself of every single thing that has ever ailed me...from anxiety to depression, headaches to asthma, etc. I feel like a million bucks!
What an incredible and beautiful testomonial. I have learned so much just by reading through. Thank You For sharing!
Lots of love and Best Wishes!
Noella & Ivan
Thanks so much for this lovely comment, Noella & Ivan. How great to see you here!!
love to you both, and buddy too :)
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