Thank you, Islander, for pointing me in the direction of Dr. Thomas Lodi. I love this guy!!
Friday, 26 February 2010
Video with Dr. Thomas Lodi
Thank you, Islander, for pointing me in the direction of Dr. Thomas Lodi. I love this guy!!
Wednesday, 24 February 2010
Thursday, 18 February 2010
Detox & Good Friends
Hey there!
One day soon I will report that I'm bouncing off the walls with that gorgeous raw energy but alas, it won't be today.
I'm back in to feeling detox-y. I guess it's to be days are filled with juices, smoothies, and fruit, and my evenings, salads and other (mostly) raw fare.
Yesterday's juice gave me a whopper of a headache, within moments of drinking it, though I highly doubt that the juice itself was the culprit, as it was all innocent stuff I eat all the time...(she said, with nagging thoughts...)
I drank down a juice called Green Power, which consisted of:
4 carrots
2 stalks celery
handful spinach
handful parsley
I'm laughing to myself as I type this out... what an endorsement, hey? Here, try this juice, it gave me a screamin' headache! hahaha I'm sure it's just where I'm at in my own body, as this juice looks innocent enough to me. Though it does have "Power" in the title. Oh well, you decide! :)
So I just kept it light all day, food-wise, and activity-wise. When Steve came home from work and wanted to go for a spin on the Harley, at first I said no, because with a headache, it just didn't sound appealing, but on second thought, figured it might be just the cure, so I ended up going. I'm glad I did, as eventually, it did help take the edge off it somewhat.
The Winter Olympics are in town, so we tooled around downtown to see all the extra people and hoopla we'd been hearing about. Man, they weren't kidding! It was amazing, and we loved it. Also, being on the motorcycle had its privileges...parking was a breeze.
Some major downtown streets closed off and folks just walking around EVERYWHERE. It was like a street festival, only with such a heavy cop presence that there was no actual partying going on. The energy is pretty sparkly, though, very cool. I'm sure there's hardcore partying going on at the 'houses' set up all over town: German House, Atlantic Canada House, Quebec House, all partying like it's 1999!
We enjoyed walking and taking in all the visitors. It felt like Whistler Village, just folks milling about everywhere. While we're not huge sports fans, we did mention that of all the events, a Hockey game would be fun.
We were getting hungry, about a half hour later, we were sitting at Organic Lives, noshing on some raw pizza, mmmm. We got chatting to the owner, Preet, about the electric energy downtown, and he asked us if we were taking in any events...long story, our surprise and delight, he gifted us with some Olympic Hockey tickets.
Now. I ask you, if this is not direct manifesting, what is? (He wouldn't accept payment, said he'd gotten a boatload of Olympic tickets a year ago when they went on sale, not knowing he'd have this new restaurant and be unable to attend he'd sold off what he could and still had these left over...and well, lucky us!)
So, off we zipped on the Harley, and pulled over when the phone rang. It was our friend, Stan, with whom we'd taken in the Justin Townes Earle concert the night before. He asked if we could meet him, as he had a gift for us (!!!) as a 'thank you' for taking him to the show. (I had originally picked up the tickets and when he went to pay me, I said Pshaw!! And when he argued, I finally said, Ok, pay me in a kiss and a hug. Who's a brazen hussy, then?
Funny part coming up: As I went in for a hug, he was going in for a quick peck on the cheek. Our timing was off, and we ended up kissing on the mouth! Doh! Steve was there, and we all laughed, but I did feel like a blushing tart for a while there.
I had a point, now where is it?
Oh yeah, so we all enjoyed the show, but Steve and I left a few minutes before everyone else because he was fading, and had to work the next day. It was in the car on the drive home, when I said, "Damn, I should have bought a cd at the show!"
So, fast forward to Stan and his gift...we met with him at a coffeehouse, and he pulls an autographed Justin Townes Earle CD out of his coat and gives it to us!!
Weee! You know that old saying, 'It's better to give than to receive'...? Well, I get that, and I want to say that I think it's a real gift to ourselves when we allow ourselves to receive, too. So while it's wonderful to give, it's also wonderful to receive. That's what FLOW is.
Today, I enjoyed a juice called AAA Juice:
3 carrots
1 stalk celery
1/2 beet, with greens
1/2 handful of wheatgrass
1/2 handful of parsley
Also, 1 apple, but I forgot and didn't miss it. With the carrots and the beets, I found this juice sweet enough. It was delicious! I still had yesterday's headache, upon waking, but this juice took it out!
Was still kinda sleepy today, but was looking forward to seeing my friend Stephanie this afternoon, and I ended up getting an EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) session from her. Stephanie is my mentor and dear friend; she is wonderful! We worked on all things detox, and blocks to healing. It'll be great to see how the shifts play out in the coming weeks. It was so great to be in her energy again, and that alone suspended detox, which made me wonder how much of what is going on with me is emotional.
As always, food for thought. In amongst the lethargy and detox, I see so many gifts and blessings in my daily life. Steve, Preet, Stan, Stephanie, I'm surrounded by love and good people who impact my life so positively, and who, when I've lost the plot, remind me of who I am, and how deserving I am of their love. And the cherry on top is that I have a host of other beautiful people in my life that I haven't even mentioned in this post. I'm a blessed woman.
As Stan ended a recent email to me, I'll end this with:
Sunny days, big smiles, happy hearts.
One day soon I will report that I'm bouncing off the walls with that gorgeous raw energy but alas, it won't be today.
I'm back in to feeling detox-y. I guess it's to be days are filled with juices, smoothies, and fruit, and my evenings, salads and other (mostly) raw fare.
Yesterday's juice gave me a whopper of a headache, within moments of drinking it, though I highly doubt that the juice itself was the culprit, as it was all innocent stuff I eat all the time...(she said, with nagging thoughts...)
I drank down a juice called Green Power, which consisted of:
4 carrots
2 stalks celery
handful spinach
handful parsley
I'm laughing to myself as I type this out... what an endorsement, hey? Here, try this juice, it gave me a screamin' headache! hahaha I'm sure it's just where I'm at in my own body, as this juice looks innocent enough to me. Though it does have "Power" in the title. Oh well, you decide! :)
So I just kept it light all day, food-wise, and activity-wise. When Steve came home from work and wanted to go for a spin on the Harley, at first I said no, because with a headache, it just didn't sound appealing, but on second thought, figured it might be just the cure, so I ended up going. I'm glad I did, as eventually, it did help take the edge off it somewhat.
The Winter Olympics are in town, so we tooled around downtown to see all the extra people and hoopla we'd been hearing about. Man, they weren't kidding! It was amazing, and we loved it. Also, being on the motorcycle had its privileges...parking was a breeze.
Some major downtown streets closed off and folks just walking around EVERYWHERE. It was like a street festival, only with such a heavy cop presence that there was no actual partying going on. The energy is pretty sparkly, though, very cool. I'm sure there's hardcore partying going on at the 'houses' set up all over town: German House, Atlantic Canada House, Quebec House, all partying like it's 1999!
We enjoyed walking and taking in all the visitors. It felt like Whistler Village, just folks milling about everywhere. While we're not huge sports fans, we did mention that of all the events, a Hockey game would be fun.
We were getting hungry, about a half hour later, we were sitting at Organic Lives, noshing on some raw pizza, mmmm. We got chatting to the owner, Preet, about the electric energy downtown, and he asked us if we were taking in any events...long story, our surprise and delight, he gifted us with some Olympic Hockey tickets.
Now. I ask you, if this is not direct manifesting, what is? (He wouldn't accept payment, said he'd gotten a boatload of Olympic tickets a year ago when they went on sale, not knowing he'd have this new restaurant and be unable to attend he'd sold off what he could and still had these left over...and well, lucky us!)
So, off we zipped on the Harley, and pulled over when the phone rang. It was our friend, Stan, with whom we'd taken in the Justin Townes Earle concert the night before. He asked if we could meet him, as he had a gift for us (!!!) as a 'thank you' for taking him to the show. (I had originally picked up the tickets and when he went to pay me, I said Pshaw!! And when he argued, I finally said, Ok, pay me in a kiss and a hug. Who's a brazen hussy, then?
Funny part coming up: As I went in for a hug, he was going in for a quick peck on the cheek. Our timing was off, and we ended up kissing on the mouth! Doh! Steve was there, and we all laughed, but I did feel like a blushing tart for a while there.
I had a point, now where is it?
Oh yeah, so we all enjoyed the show, but Steve and I left a few minutes before everyone else because he was fading, and had to work the next day. It was in the car on the drive home, when I said, "Damn, I should have bought a cd at the show!"
So, fast forward to Stan and his gift...we met with him at a coffeehouse, and he pulls an autographed Justin Townes Earle CD out of his coat and gives it to us!!
Weee! You know that old saying, 'It's better to give than to receive'...? Well, I get that, and I want to say that I think it's a real gift to ourselves when we allow ourselves to receive, too. So while it's wonderful to give, it's also wonderful to receive. That's what FLOW is.
Today, I enjoyed a juice called AAA Juice:
3 carrots
1 stalk celery
1/2 beet, with greens
1/2 handful of wheatgrass
1/2 handful of parsley
Also, 1 apple, but I forgot and didn't miss it. With the carrots and the beets, I found this juice sweet enough. It was delicious! I still had yesterday's headache, upon waking, but this juice took it out!
Was still kinda sleepy today, but was looking forward to seeing my friend Stephanie this afternoon, and I ended up getting an EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) session from her. Stephanie is my mentor and dear friend; she is wonderful! We worked on all things detox, and blocks to healing. It'll be great to see how the shifts play out in the coming weeks. It was so great to be in her energy again, and that alone suspended detox, which made me wonder how much of what is going on with me is emotional.
As always, food for thought. In amongst the lethargy and detox, I see so many gifts and blessings in my daily life. Steve, Preet, Stan, Stephanie, I'm surrounded by love and good people who impact my life so positively, and who, when I've lost the plot, remind me of who I am, and how deserving I am of their love. And the cherry on top is that I have a host of other beautiful people in my life that I haven't even mentioned in this post. I'm a blessed woman.
As Stan ended a recent email to me, I'll end this with:
Sunny days, big smiles, happy hearts.
Detox & Good Friends
Hey there!
One day soon I will report that I'm bouncing off the walls with that gorgeous raw energy but alas, it won't be today.
I'm back in to feeling detox-y. I guess it's to be days are filled with juices, smoothies, and fruit, and my evenings, salads and other (mostly) raw fare.
Yesterday's juice gave me a whopper of a headache, within moments of drinking it, though I highly doubt that the juice itself was the culprit, as it was all innocent stuff I eat all the time...(she said, with nagging thoughts...)
I drank down a juice called Green Power, which consisted of:
4 carrots
2 stalks celery
handful spinach
handful parsley
I'm laughing to myself as I type this out... what an endorsement, hey? Here, try this juice, it gave me a screamin' headache! hahaha I'm sure it's just where I'm at in my own body, as this juice looks innocent enough to me. Though it does have "Power" in the title. Oh well, you decide! :)
So I just kept it light all day, food-wise, and activity-wise. When Steve came home from work and wanted to go for a spin on the Harley, at first I said no, because with a headache, it just didn't sound appealing, but on second thought, figured it might be just the cure, so I ended up going. I'm glad I did, as eventually, it did help take the edge off it somewhat.
The Winter Olympics are in town, so we tooled around downtown to see all the extra people and hoopla we'd been hearing about. Man, they weren't kidding! It was amazing, and we loved it. Also, being on the motorcycle had its privileges...parking was a breeze.
Some major downtown streets closed off and folks just walking around EVERYWHERE. It was like a street festival, only with such a heavy cop presence that there was no actual partying going on. The energy is pretty sparkly, though, very cool. I'm sure there's hardcore partying going on at the 'houses' set up all over town: German House, Atlantic Canada House, Quebec House, all partying like it's 1999!
We enjoyed walking and taking in all the visitors. It felt like Whistler Village, just folks milling about everywhere. While we're not huge sports fans, we did mention that of all the events, a Hockey game would be fun.
We were getting hungry, about a half hour later, we were sitting at Organic Lives, noshing on some raw pizza, mmmm. We got chatting to the owner, Preet, about the electric energy downtown, and he asked us if we were taking in any events...long story, our surprise and delight, he gifted us with some Olympic Hockey tickets.
Now. I ask you, if this is not direct manifesting, what is? (He wouldn't accept payment, said he'd gotten a boatload of Olympic tickets a year ago when they went on sale, not knowing he'd have this new restaurant and be unable to attend he'd sold off what he could and still had these left over...and well, lucky us!)
So, off we zipped on the Harley, and pulled over when the phone rang. It was our friend, Stan, with whom we'd taken in the Justin Townes Earle concert the night before. He asked if we could meet him, as he had a gift for us (!!!) as a 'thank you' for taking him to the show. (I had originally picked up the tickets and when he went to pay me, I said Pshaw!! And when he argued, I finally said, Ok, pay me in a kiss and a hug. Who's a brazen hussy, then?
Funny part coming up: As I went in for a hug, he was going in for a quick peck on the cheek. Our timing was off, and we ended up kissing on the mouth! Doh! Steve was there, and we all laughed, but I did feel like a blushing tart for a while there.
I had a point, now where is it?
Oh yeah, so we all enjoyed the show, but Steve and I left a few minutes before everyone else because he was fading, and had to work the next day. It was in the car on the drive home, when I said, "Damn, I should have bought a cd at the show!"
So, fast forward to Stan and his gift...we met with him at a coffeehouse, and he pulls an autographed Justin Townes Earle CD out of his coat and gives it to us!!
Weee! You know that old saying, 'It's better to give than to receive'...? Well, I get that, and I want to say that I think it's a real gift to ourselves when we allow ourselves to receive, too. So while it's wonderful to give, it's also wonderful to receive. That's what FLOW is.
Today, I enjoyed a juice called AAA Juice:
3 carrots
1 stalk celery
1/2 beet, with greens
1/2 handful of wheatgrass
1/2 handful of parsley
Also, 1 apple, but I forgot and didn't miss it. With the carrots and the beets, I found this juice sweet enough. It was delicious! I still had yesterday's headache, upon waking, but this juice took it out!
Was still kinda sleepy today, but was looking forward to seeing my friend Stephanie this afternoon, and I ended up getting an EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) session from her. Stephanie is my mentor and dear friend; she is wonderful! We worked on all things detox, and blocks to healing. It'll be great to see how the shifts play out in the coming weeks. It was so great to be in her energy again, and that alone suspended detox, which made me wonder how much of what is going on with me is emotional.
As always, food for thought. In amongst the lethargy and detox, I see so many gifts and blessings in my daily life. Steve, Preet, Stan, Stephanie, I'm surrounded by love and good people who impact my life so positively, and who, when I've lost the plot, remind me of who I am, and how deserving I am of their love. And the cherry on top is that I have a host of other beautiful people in my life that I haven't even mentioned in this post. I'm a blessed woman.
As Stan ended a recent email to me, I'll end this with:
Sunny days, big smiles, happy hearts.
One day soon I will report that I'm bouncing off the walls with that gorgeous raw energy but alas, it won't be today.
I'm back in to feeling detox-y. I guess it's to be days are filled with juices, smoothies, and fruit, and my evenings, salads and other (mostly) raw fare.
Yesterday's juice gave me a whopper of a headache, within moments of drinking it, though I highly doubt that the juice itself was the culprit, as it was all innocent stuff I eat all the time...(she said, with nagging thoughts...)
I drank down a juice called Green Power, which consisted of:
4 carrots
2 stalks celery
handful spinach
handful parsley
I'm laughing to myself as I type this out... what an endorsement, hey? Here, try this juice, it gave me a screamin' headache! hahaha I'm sure it's just where I'm at in my own body, as this juice looks innocent enough to me. Though it does have "Power" in the title. Oh well, you decide! :)
So I just kept it light all day, food-wise, and activity-wise. When Steve came home from work and wanted to go for a spin on the Harley, at first I said no, because with a headache, it just didn't sound appealing, but on second thought, figured it might be just the cure, so I ended up going. I'm glad I did, as eventually, it did help take the edge off it somewhat.
The Winter Olympics are in town, so we tooled around downtown to see all the extra people and hoopla we'd been hearing about. Man, they weren't kidding! It was amazing, and we loved it. Also, being on the motorcycle had its privileges...parking was a breeze.
Some major downtown streets closed off and folks just walking around EVERYWHERE. It was like a street festival, only with such a heavy cop presence that there was no actual partying going on. The energy is pretty sparkly, though, very cool. I'm sure there's hardcore partying going on at the 'houses' set up all over town: German House, Atlantic Canada House, Quebec House, all partying like it's 1999!
We enjoyed walking and taking in all the visitors. It felt like Whistler Village, just folks milling about everywhere. While we're not huge sports fans, we did mention that of all the events, a Hockey game would be fun.
We were getting hungry, about a half hour later, we were sitting at Organic Lives, noshing on some raw pizza, mmmm. We got chatting to the owner, Preet, about the electric energy downtown, and he asked us if we were taking in any events...long story, our surprise and delight, he gifted us with some Olympic Hockey tickets.
Now. I ask you, if this is not direct manifesting, what is? (He wouldn't accept payment, said he'd gotten a boatload of Olympic tickets a year ago when they went on sale, not knowing he'd have this new restaurant and be unable to attend he'd sold off what he could and still had these left over...and well, lucky us!)
So, off we zipped on the Harley, and pulled over when the phone rang. It was our friend, Stan, with whom we'd taken in the Justin Townes Earle concert the night before. He asked if we could meet him, as he had a gift for us (!!!) as a 'thank you' for taking him to the show. (I had originally picked up the tickets and when he went to pay me, I said Pshaw!! And when he argued, I finally said, Ok, pay me in a kiss and a hug. Who's a brazen hussy, then?
Funny part coming up: As I went in for a hug, he was going in for a quick peck on the cheek. Our timing was off, and we ended up kissing on the mouth! Doh! Steve was there, and we all laughed, but I did feel like a blushing tart for a while there.
I had a point, now where is it?
Oh yeah, so we all enjoyed the show, but Steve and I left a few minutes before everyone else because he was fading, and had to work the next day. It was in the car on the drive home, when I said, "Damn, I should have bought a cd at the show!"
So, fast forward to Stan and his gift...we met with him at a coffeehouse, and he pulls an autographed Justin Townes Earle CD out of his coat and gives it to us!!
Weee! You know that old saying, 'It's better to give than to receive'...? Well, I get that, and I want to say that I think it's a real gift to ourselves when we allow ourselves to receive, too. So while it's wonderful to give, it's also wonderful to receive. That's what FLOW is.
Today, I enjoyed a juice called AAA Juice:
3 carrots
1 stalk celery
1/2 beet, with greens
1/2 handful of wheatgrass
1/2 handful of parsley
Also, 1 apple, but I forgot and didn't miss it. With the carrots and the beets, I found this juice sweet enough. It was delicious! I still had yesterday's headache, upon waking, but this juice took it out!
Was still kinda sleepy today, but was looking forward to seeing my friend Stephanie this afternoon, and I ended up getting an EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) session from her. Stephanie is my mentor and dear friend; she is wonderful! We worked on all things detox, and blocks to healing. It'll be great to see how the shifts play out in the coming weeks. It was so great to be in her energy again, and that alone suspended detox, which made me wonder how much of what is going on with me is emotional.
As always, food for thought. In amongst the lethargy and detox, I see so many gifts and blessings in my daily life. Steve, Preet, Stan, Stephanie, I'm surrounded by love and good people who impact my life so positively, and who, when I've lost the plot, remind me of who I am, and how deserving I am of their love. And the cherry on top is that I have a host of other beautiful people in my life that I haven't even mentioned in this post. I'm a blessed woman.
As Stan ended a recent email to me, I'll end this with:
Sunny days, big smiles, happy hearts.
Tuesday, 16 February 2010
chattin' ya up :)
Wow, I just looked at the date of my last post, and it was Feb 6 and now it's the 16th. Wth?? Been busy out in my life!
I had to learn 4 new songs in a week and I was just writing to a friend that I do believe my Brain On helped tremendously. I got the songs Monday and I sang them on stage Friday night. That is unheard of for me, being stage-ready in that short time. So, something must be working.
Steve and I have decided to up our juicing habit quite a lot, buying more trays of wheatgrass, and buying bulk veggies. So in the next week, the plan is to have lots of juices and smoothies, more than usual. We need the boost to stay raw. With all the raw foods out there, I've been bored with eating raw lately, and I can hardly get a salad down. I just don't find it appetizing at all these days. That is not how I usually am, and as a result, the last couple meals have been less than stellar. So it's time to pull back the reins again.
On Valentine's Day, we went for a wonderful Harley ride, all over the city, and ended up at Organic Lives for a slice of that amazing raw chocolate ganache, oh mama. SO good, it's unreal.
Other than that, been rehearsing our band, and currently, we are delighted to have our friend Greg in town from Minnesota for a week. We enjoyed the evening together, and will be getting together to pick some tunes and possibly record later in the week. Really looking forward to that!
Tomorrow night we are going to see Justin Townes Earle in concert, and I'm really excited about it! JT Earle is a great songwriter and entertainer, but I'm stoked mostly because we're going with a few really good friends and it'll be so much fun!
Oh, and a funny thing... the other day, Steve and I were standing in front of our tv in the bedroom, an old thing that has had an amber tinge to it for a few months, and was on its way out, when I said, "Man, this thing is not looking good..." and suddenly the screen went black and it died before our eyes! hahaha! So the next day we got a little flat screen and mounted it on the wall at the foot of our bed! Luxury! That's been taking up some of my precious time, watching shows in colors other than amber.
These are the good ol' days!!
I had to learn 4 new songs in a week and I was just writing to a friend that I do believe my Brain On helped tremendously. I got the songs Monday and I sang them on stage Friday night. That is unheard of for me, being stage-ready in that short time. So, something must be working.
Steve and I have decided to up our juicing habit quite a lot, buying more trays of wheatgrass, and buying bulk veggies. So in the next week, the plan is to have lots of juices and smoothies, more than usual. We need the boost to stay raw. With all the raw foods out there, I've been bored with eating raw lately, and I can hardly get a salad down. I just don't find it appetizing at all these days. That is not how I usually am, and as a result, the last couple meals have been less than stellar. So it's time to pull back the reins again.
On Valentine's Day, we went for a wonderful Harley ride, all over the city, and ended up at Organic Lives for a slice of that amazing raw chocolate ganache, oh mama. SO good, it's unreal.
Other than that, been rehearsing our band, and currently, we are delighted to have our friend Greg in town from Minnesota for a week. We enjoyed the evening together, and will be getting together to pick some tunes and possibly record later in the week. Really looking forward to that!
Tomorrow night we are going to see Justin Townes Earle in concert, and I'm really excited about it! JT Earle is a great songwriter and entertainer, but I'm stoked mostly because we're going with a few really good friends and it'll be so much fun!
Oh, and a funny thing... the other day, Steve and I were standing in front of our tv in the bedroom, an old thing that has had an amber tinge to it for a few months, and was on its way out, when I said, "Man, this thing is not looking good..." and suddenly the screen went black and it died before our eyes! hahaha! So the next day we got a little flat screen and mounted it on the wall at the foot of our bed! Luxury! That's been taking up some of my precious time, watching shows in colors other than amber.
These are the good ol' days!!
chattin' ya up :)
Wow, I just looked at the date of my last post, and it was Feb 6 and now it's the 16th. Wth?? Been busy out in my life!
I had to learn 4 new songs in a week and I was just writing to a friend that I do believe my Brain On helped tremendously. I got the songs Monday and I sang them on stage Friday night. That is unheard of for me, being stage-ready in that short time. So, something must be working.
Steve and I have decided to up our juicing habit quite a lot, buying more trays of wheatgrass, and buying bulk veggies. So in the next week, the plan is to have lots of juices and smoothies, more than usual. We need the boost to stay raw. With all the raw foods out there, I've been bored with eating raw lately, and I can hardly get a salad down. I just don't find it appetizing at all these days. That is not how I usually am, and as a result, the last couple meals have been less than stellar. So it's time to pull back the reins again.
On Valentine's Day, we went for a wonderful Harley ride, all over the city, and ended up at Organic Lives for a slice of that amazing raw chocolate ganache, oh mama. SO good, it's unreal.
Other than that, been rehearsing our band, and currently, we are delighted to have our friend Greg in town from Minnesota for a week. We enjoyed the evening together, and will be getting together to pick some tunes and possibly record later in the week. Really looking forward to that!
Tomorrow night we are going to see Justin Townes Earle in concert, and I'm really excited about it! JT Earle is a great songwriter and entertainer, but I'm stoked mostly because we're going with a few really good friends and it'll be so much fun!
Oh, and a funny thing... the other day, Steve and I were standing in front of our tv in the bedroom, an old thing that has had an amber tinge to it for a few months, and was on its way out, when I said, "Man, this thing is not looking good..." and suddenly the screen went black and it died before our eyes! hahaha! So the next day we got a little flat screen and mounted it on the wall at the foot of our bed! Luxury! That's been taking up some of my precious time, watching shows in colors other than amber.
These are the good ol' days!!
I had to learn 4 new songs in a week and I was just writing to a friend that I do believe my Brain On helped tremendously. I got the songs Monday and I sang them on stage Friday night. That is unheard of for me, being stage-ready in that short time. So, something must be working.
Steve and I have decided to up our juicing habit quite a lot, buying more trays of wheatgrass, and buying bulk veggies. So in the next week, the plan is to have lots of juices and smoothies, more than usual. We need the boost to stay raw. With all the raw foods out there, I've been bored with eating raw lately, and I can hardly get a salad down. I just don't find it appetizing at all these days. That is not how I usually am, and as a result, the last couple meals have been less than stellar. So it's time to pull back the reins again.
On Valentine's Day, we went for a wonderful Harley ride, all over the city, and ended up at Organic Lives for a slice of that amazing raw chocolate ganache, oh mama. SO good, it's unreal.
Other than that, been rehearsing our band, and currently, we are delighted to have our friend Greg in town from Minnesota for a week. We enjoyed the evening together, and will be getting together to pick some tunes and possibly record later in the week. Really looking forward to that!
Tomorrow night we are going to see Justin Townes Earle in concert, and I'm really excited about it! JT Earle is a great songwriter and entertainer, but I'm stoked mostly because we're going with a few really good friends and it'll be so much fun!
Oh, and a funny thing... the other day, Steve and I were standing in front of our tv in the bedroom, an old thing that has had an amber tinge to it for a few months, and was on its way out, when I said, "Man, this thing is not looking good..." and suddenly the screen went black and it died before our eyes! hahaha! So the next day we got a little flat screen and mounted it on the wall at the foot of our bed! Luxury! That's been taking up some of my precious time, watching shows in colors other than amber.
These are the good ol' days!!
Saturday, 6 February 2010
Food Fugue
Fugue: a period during which a person suffers from loss of memory, often begins a new life, and, upon recovery, remembers nothing of the amnesic phase.
What a night!
What a night!

We went out to dinner with our dear friend, Debra. We met at Radha Yoga & Eatery, a beautiful, warm, zen environment. Hardwood floors and exposed brick walls, they hold yoga classes by day and dinner Wed-Sat, boasting a sumptuous vegan menu with select raw items. Deb had nori roll appetizers, and Steve had the salad trio, a wonderful array of kale salad, beet and carrot slaw, and darned if I can remember the other one. He loved it, though. Too bad my camera only came out when our main meal arrived. We all ordered zugetti with pesto, (pictured above, click to enlarge) and we were delighted with its varied flavors and beautiful presentation. It was stacked high on the plate, which was totally lost on Steve, who promptly flattened it and dug in! haha!

Deb has been doing yoga at Radha and it's paying off, I tell ya. There was this woman at the next table, who let her exuberant, screaming little girl run amok until I couldn't hear our conversation, and I have a fuse about *this* big for that sort of stuff (*pinch your thumb and index finger together until they are both turning white) and I said, "That is starting to make me angry!" and Deb said softly, "Oh don't be angry..."

At the time I thought, "I can't help it...make that awful little kid go away" but now I feel inspired by her approach. I mean, isn't that what we all aspire to? To be fine in all our moments? At peace in all situations? I'll get there. (and I generally like children, just not running loose and screaming on my date night.)
Anyway, it took longer to write about it than the fleeting moment itself took, and we had easy conversation about all sorts of things. It just flowed and the time flew at Radha.
It was soon time for dessert, and while we could have stayed put and enjoyed the vast array of sweet things, Steve and I were eager to introduce Deb to the wonder that is Organic Lives, the new raw restaurant I mentioned last week. I couldn't wait to have some of that "Ridiculous" ganache, the world's most intense chocolate experience. (I renamed it "Insane!")
So off we went, just a short drive to Organic Lives. Brightly lit, it's a very different vibe than Radha, with its white, minimalist decor and mile-high ceiling. We were warmly greeted by the owner, Preet, who, in just four visits feels like an old pal!

Without having to consult a menu, we ordered the ganache, and it was every bit the chocolate orgasm I remembered it to be. OMG so freakin' good. I have the appetite of a horse, and just inhaled mine, and I just stared at Deb in wonder, how she could go slowly, and then actually save some for later (though Steve put a stop to that in one fell swoop! lol!)
He ordered another wedge of something that looked amazing and chocolaty, but I didn't pay much attention, as I was busy doing a line of ganache.

Then Preet comes out with yet another, huge wedge of strawberry shortcake!
Oh man! Deb and Steve went for it, but I was still puckered from the ganache so I didn't partake. ;)
It got really hardcore when Deb mixed some of the ganache with the shortcake and loved that even more! We had a bunch of laughs; it was just so much fun!
Would ya look at these two! haha!

So let's recap a moment, shall we? Here's a small list of the foods consumed thus far at our feeding frenzy, I mean 'dinner':
nori rolls, salads (3), pesto zugetti...then on to the next restaurant (cuz one is just not enough!) and there was a dessert orgy, consisting of: ganache, along with another chocolate pie (can't remember the name), and because that somehow wasn't enough, some strawberry shortcake!!
Stop the insanity!
Actually, not yet. We still have to order more dinner!
I don't know which one of us thought it was a good idea, but we all agreed, and ordered a platter of nachos! Yay!! SO delicious!
You know, when the Mr. Creosote jokes come out, you'd think it's time to slow down.

Much to our delight, Debra's friend Robin joined us. It's so much fun to introduce raw to virgin palates! It called for another course, of course!
Preet came out with a sampler of olives, and I was only too glad, because olives are crack to me. Lucky me, Steve hates them, so I got his, too.
I wish I could say we ordered the pizza because our new pal Robin was really hungry, but nope...we just wanted to try it allllll!

A nice lady at a neighboring table took a photo of us, now with Robin at our table. We're all about to dig into our pizza. Amazing we had room. Thank god for humps and hollow legs.
We did save two of the slices for Preet, who joined us at our table after a while. The man works so hard, he has to make a concerted effort to sit down to eat in his own restaurant.
Great food, even greater company, lots of laughs and friendships old and new, this night was the stuff of magic!
radha yoga & eatery is located at: 728 Main Street Vancouver, BC 604.605.0011
organic lives is located at: 1829 Quebec Street at 2nd Ave., Vancouver, BC 778.588.7777
Food Fugue
Fugue: a period during which a person suffers from loss of memory, often begins a new life, and, upon recovery, remembers nothing of the amnesic phase.
What a night!
What a night!

We went out to dinner with our dear friend, Debra. We met at Radha Yoga & Eatery, a beautiful, warm, zen environment. Hardwood floors and exposed brick walls, they hold yoga classes by day and dinner Wed-Sat, boasting a sumptuous vegan menu with select raw items. Deb had nori roll appetizers, and Steve had the salad trio, a wonderful array of kale salad, beet and carrot slaw, and darned if I can remember the other one. He loved it, though. Too bad my camera only came out when our main meal arrived. We all ordered zugetti with pesto, (pictured above, click to enlarge) and we were delighted with its varied flavors and beautiful presentation. It was stacked high on the plate, which was totally lost on Steve, who promptly flattened it and dug in! haha!

Deb has been doing yoga at Radha and it's paying off, I tell ya. There was this woman at the next table, who let her exuberant, screaming little girl run amok until I couldn't hear our conversation, and I have a fuse about *this* big for that sort of stuff (*pinch your thumb and index finger together until they are both turning white) and I said, "That is starting to make me angry!" and Deb said softly, "Oh don't be angry..."

At the time I thought, "I can't help it...make that awful little kid go away" but now I feel inspired by her approach. I mean, isn't that what we all aspire to? To be fine in all our moments? At peace in all situations? I'll get there. (and I generally like children, just not running loose and screaming on my date night.)
Anyway, it took longer to write about it than the fleeting moment itself took, and we had easy conversation about all sorts of things. It just flowed and the time flew at Radha.
It was soon time for dessert, and while we could have stayed put and enjoyed the vast array of sweet things, Steve and I were eager to introduce Deb to the wonder that is Organic Lives, the new raw restaurant I mentioned last week. I couldn't wait to have some of that "Ridiculous" ganache, the world's most intense chocolate experience. (I renamed it "Insane!")
So off we went, just a short drive to Organic Lives. Brightly lit, it's a very different vibe than Radha, with its white, minimalist decor and mile-high ceiling. We were warmly greeted by the owner, Preet, who, in just four visits feels like an old pal!

Without having to consult a menu, we ordered the ganache, and it was every bit the chocolate orgasm I remembered it to be. OMG so freakin' good. I have the appetite of a horse, and just inhaled mine, and I just stared at Deb in wonder, how she could go slowly, and then actually save some for later (though Steve put a stop to that in one fell swoop! lol!)
He ordered another wedge of something that looked amazing and chocolaty, but I didn't pay much attention, as I was busy doing a line of ganache.

Then Preet comes out with yet another, huge wedge of strawberry shortcake!
Oh man! Deb and Steve went for it, but I was still puckered from the ganache so I didn't partake. ;)
It got really hardcore when Deb mixed some of the ganache with the shortcake and loved that even more! We had a bunch of laughs; it was just so much fun!
Would ya look at these two! haha!

So let's recap a moment, shall we? Here's a small list of the foods consumed thus far at our feeding frenzy, I mean 'dinner':
nori rolls, salads (3), pesto zugetti...then on to the next restaurant (cuz one is just not enough!) and there was a dessert orgy, consisting of: ganache, along with another chocolate pie (can't remember the name), and because that somehow wasn't enough, some strawberry shortcake!!
Stop the insanity!
Actually, not yet. We still have to order more dinner!
I don't know which one of us thought it was a good idea, but we all agreed, and ordered a platter of nachos! Yay!! SO delicious!
You know, when the Mr. Creosote jokes come out, you'd think it's time to slow down.

Much to our delight, Debra's friend Robin joined us. It's so much fun to introduce raw to virgin palates! It called for another course, of course!
Preet came out with a sampler of olives, and I was only too glad, because olives are crack to me. Lucky me, Steve hates them, so I got his, too.
I wish I could say we ordered the pizza because our new pal Robin was really hungry, but nope...we just wanted to try it allllll!

A nice lady at a neighboring table took a photo of us, now with Robin at our table. We're all about to dig into our pizza. Amazing we had room. Thank god for humps and hollow legs.
We did save two of the slices for Preet, who joined us at our table after a while. The man works so hard, he has to make a concerted effort to sit down to eat in his own restaurant.
Great food, even greater company, lots of laughs and friendships old and new, this night was the stuff of magic!
radha yoga & eatery is located at: 728 Main Street Vancouver, BC 604.605.0011
organic lives is located at: 1829 Quebec Street at 2nd Ave., Vancouver, BC 778.588.7777
Friday, 5 February 2010
Thursday, 4 February 2010
Detox Interruptus
I've had a pretty sleepy few weeks, maybe three. Just really low-key, energy-wise. I've been treating it like detox, just going with it, accepting it, continuing with my raw foods. Not fighting sleep, even if it comes in the middle of the day (a big one for me. My busy Mother did not raise me to nap in broad daylight!)
As this has been going on a while, I wasn't prepared for yesterday's full-on detox day! Drained, unplugged, sleepy, just downright lethargic, like I had a big, wet, gray blanket on me. The lethargy was in my mind, too. I felt depressed, and just couldn't work up a good thought.
I'd forgotten what this feels like, when you just can't summon the inner energy (the innergy) to give a shit. I lived like that, on and off, for years, (just look at my before picture) and honestly had forgotten about this part of myself, and the way depression feels.
Perspective seems to be the first thing to go. I said to Steve, "I don't know, Man, this isn't good. I'm not ok..." and he reassured me that it was part of the detox, but I was having a hard time seeing it that way, because it felt like everything was really wrong, and it would stay that way.
Fortunately, my terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day was just that: a day.
This morning, I felt better without expecting to, and was cautiously hopeful that "it" was gone.
I took the dog out for her morning routine ;) and made myself a ginger tea. A bit later, I made my green smoothie, and when I added in my Brain On, I suddenly remembered reading about a possible detox reaction in the first week. I hadn't expected it, since my first day on it was wonderfully energetic. Come to think of it, the next day, not so much, and the third day, well, you just read about it.
So, drinking my smoothie, I went looking online where I'd read that, and lo and behold, there was my answer.
Possible Detox Symptoms:
E3live contains 3-5 times more chlorophyll than any other green product. It is normal when you first start taking E3Live™ to have detoxification symptoms, which may include a slight headache and feeling more tired. Some other detoxification symptoms include clogged sinus, constipation, diarrhea, fever, flu/cold symptoms, gas, irritability, moodiness, skin rash and stomachache. These symptoms are your body's way of releasing toxins from your body. It is important to drink plenty of water throughout the day to help flush out any toxins. Our suggested amount to drink of E3Live™ when first starting out is 1 tsp, but for some people they may need to start out with less. Let your body be a guide in how much to take. (Rawkin' note: here's the rest of the article.)
This makes me deeper in love with Brain On, because I feel what a deep clean it's giving me! :) I'm going to continue with it, with pleasure. I'm the type who's fine with just about anything, as long as I know wth is going on! Otherwise, I can go to the dark side with my imagination.
While reading this did bring me some much-needed perspective, it wasn't the only reason I felt better today. My energy came back. And it brought friends. I did more today than I have in ages.
I had an uncooking day! You couldn't have paid me to do this yesterday, but today, one recipe led to another and another and another and yet if I were making up for lost time.
The dehydrator is humming as I type this.
I've got three trays of Rawritos, two trays of Kale Chips, a tray of Carrot Bread, 4 Sunflower Burgers that I made up on the fly, and 2 Jalapeno Burgers. Wow, right? :) And I thought the fog would never lift.
I'm thinking a big ol' salad, some kale chips and the jalapeno burgers for dins!

What's for dinner at your house, Rawkers?
As this has been going on a while, I wasn't prepared for yesterday's full-on detox day! Drained, unplugged, sleepy, just downright lethargic, like I had a big, wet, gray blanket on me. The lethargy was in my mind, too. I felt depressed, and just couldn't work up a good thought.
I'd forgotten what this feels like, when you just can't summon the inner energy (the innergy) to give a shit. I lived like that, on and off, for years, (just look at my before picture) and honestly had forgotten about this part of myself, and the way depression feels.
Perspective seems to be the first thing to go. I said to Steve, "I don't know, Man, this isn't good. I'm not ok..." and he reassured me that it was part of the detox, but I was having a hard time seeing it that way, because it felt like everything was really wrong, and it would stay that way.
Fortunately, my terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day was just that: a day.
This morning, I felt better without expecting to, and was cautiously hopeful that "it" was gone.
I took the dog out for her morning routine ;) and made myself a ginger tea. A bit later, I made my green smoothie, and when I added in my Brain On, I suddenly remembered reading about a possible detox reaction in the first week. I hadn't expected it, since my first day on it was wonderfully energetic. Come to think of it, the next day, not so much, and the third day, well, you just read about it.
So, drinking my smoothie, I went looking online where I'd read that, and lo and behold, there was my answer.
Possible Detox Symptoms:
E3live contains 3-5 times more chlorophyll than any other green product. It is normal when you first start taking E3Live™ to have detoxification symptoms, which may include a slight headache and feeling more tired. Some other detoxification symptoms include clogged sinus, constipation, diarrhea, fever, flu/cold symptoms, gas, irritability, moodiness, skin rash and stomachache. These symptoms are your body's way of releasing toxins from your body. It is important to drink plenty of water throughout the day to help flush out any toxins. Our suggested amount to drink of E3Live™ when first starting out is 1 tsp, but for some people they may need to start out with less. Let your body be a guide in how much to take. (Rawkin' note: here's the rest of the article.)
This makes me deeper in love with Brain On, because I feel what a deep clean it's giving me! :) I'm going to continue with it, with pleasure. I'm the type who's fine with just about anything, as long as I know wth is going on! Otherwise, I can go to the dark side with my imagination.
While reading this did bring me some much-needed perspective, it wasn't the only reason I felt better today. My energy came back. And it brought friends. I did more today than I have in ages.
I had an uncooking day! You couldn't have paid me to do this yesterday, but today, one recipe led to another and another and another and yet if I were making up for lost time.
The dehydrator is humming as I type this.

I've got three trays of Rawritos, two trays of Kale Chips, a tray of Carrot Bread, 4 Sunflower Burgers that I made up on the fly, and 2 Jalapeno Burgers. Wow, right? :) And I thought the fog would never lift.
I'm thinking a big ol' salad, some kale chips and the jalapeno burgers for dins!

What's for dinner at your house, Rawkers?
Detox Interruptus
I've had a pretty sleepy few weeks, maybe three. Just really low-key, energy-wise. I've been treating it like detox, just going with it, accepting it, continuing with my raw foods. Not fighting sleep, even if it comes in the middle of the day (a big one for me. My busy Mother did not raise me to nap in broad daylight!)
As this has been going on a while, I wasn't prepared for yesterday's full-on detox day! Drained, unplugged, sleepy, just downright lethargic, like I had a big, wet, gray blanket on me. The lethargy was in my mind, too. I felt depressed, and just couldn't work up a good thought.
I'd forgotten what this feels like, when you just can't summon the inner energy (the innergy) to give a shit. I lived like that, on and off, for years, (just look at my before picture) and honestly had forgotten about this part of myself, and the way depression feels.
Perspective seems to be the first thing to go. I said to Steve, "I don't know, Man, this isn't good. I'm not ok..." and he reassured me that it was part of the detox, but I was having a hard time seeing it that way, because it felt like everything was really wrong, and it would stay that way.
Fortunately, my terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day was just that: a day.
This morning, I felt better without expecting to, and was cautiously hopeful that "it" was gone.
I took the dog out for her morning routine ;) and made myself a ginger tea. A bit later, I made my green smoothie, and when I added in my Brain On, I suddenly remembered reading about a possible detox reaction in the first week. I hadn't expected it, since my first day on it was wonderfully energetic. Come to think of it, the next day, not so much, and the third day, well, you just read about it.
So, drinking my smoothie, I went looking online where I'd read that, and lo and behold, there was my answer.
Possible Detox Symptoms:
E3live contains 3-5 times more chlorophyll than any other green product. It is normal when you first start taking E3Live™ to have detoxification symptoms, which may include a slight headache and feeling more tired. Some other detoxification symptoms include clogged sinus, constipation, diarrhea, fever, flu/cold symptoms, gas, irritability, moodiness, skin rash and stomachache. These symptoms are your body's way of releasing toxins from your body. It is important to drink plenty of water throughout the day to help flush out any toxins. Our suggested amount to drink of E3Live™ when first starting out is 1 tsp, but for some people they may need to start out with less. Let your body be a guide in how much to take. (Rawkin' note: here's the rest of the article.)
This makes me deeper in love with Brain On, because I feel what a deep clean it's giving me! :) I'm going to continue with it, with pleasure. I'm the type who's fine with just about anything, as long as I know wth is going on! Otherwise, I can go to the dark side with my imagination.
While reading this did bring me some much-needed perspective, it wasn't the only reason I felt better today. My energy came back. And it brought friends. I did more today than I have in ages.
I had an uncooking day! You couldn't have paid me to do this yesterday, but today, one recipe led to another and another and another and yet if I were making up for lost time.
The dehydrator is humming as I type this.
I've got three trays of Rawritos, two trays of Kale Chips, a tray of Carrot Bread, 4 Sunflower Burgers that I made up on the fly, and 2 Jalapeno Burgers. Wow, right? :) And I thought the fog would never lift.
I'm thinking a big ol' salad, some kale chips and the jalapeno burgers for dins!

What's for dinner at your house, Rawkers?
As this has been going on a while, I wasn't prepared for yesterday's full-on detox day! Drained, unplugged, sleepy, just downright lethargic, like I had a big, wet, gray blanket on me. The lethargy was in my mind, too. I felt depressed, and just couldn't work up a good thought.
I'd forgotten what this feels like, when you just can't summon the inner energy (the innergy) to give a shit. I lived like that, on and off, for years, (just look at my before picture) and honestly had forgotten about this part of myself, and the way depression feels.
Perspective seems to be the first thing to go. I said to Steve, "I don't know, Man, this isn't good. I'm not ok..." and he reassured me that it was part of the detox, but I was having a hard time seeing it that way, because it felt like everything was really wrong, and it would stay that way.
Fortunately, my terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day was just that: a day.
This morning, I felt better without expecting to, and was cautiously hopeful that "it" was gone.
I took the dog out for her morning routine ;) and made myself a ginger tea. A bit later, I made my green smoothie, and when I added in my Brain On, I suddenly remembered reading about a possible detox reaction in the first week. I hadn't expected it, since my first day on it was wonderfully energetic. Come to think of it, the next day, not so much, and the third day, well, you just read about it.
So, drinking my smoothie, I went looking online where I'd read that, and lo and behold, there was my answer.
Possible Detox Symptoms:
E3live contains 3-5 times more chlorophyll than any other green product. It is normal when you first start taking E3Live™ to have detoxification symptoms, which may include a slight headache and feeling more tired. Some other detoxification symptoms include clogged sinus, constipation, diarrhea, fever, flu/cold symptoms, gas, irritability, moodiness, skin rash and stomachache. These symptoms are your body's way of releasing toxins from your body. It is important to drink plenty of water throughout the day to help flush out any toxins. Our suggested amount to drink of E3Live™ when first starting out is 1 tsp, but for some people they may need to start out with less. Let your body be a guide in how much to take. (Rawkin' note: here's the rest of the article.)
This makes me deeper in love with Brain On, because I feel what a deep clean it's giving me! :) I'm going to continue with it, with pleasure. I'm the type who's fine with just about anything, as long as I know wth is going on! Otherwise, I can go to the dark side with my imagination.
While reading this did bring me some much-needed perspective, it wasn't the only reason I felt better today. My energy came back. And it brought friends. I did more today than I have in ages.
I had an uncooking day! You couldn't have paid me to do this yesterday, but today, one recipe led to another and another and another and yet if I were making up for lost time.
The dehydrator is humming as I type this.

I've got three trays of Rawritos, two trays of Kale Chips, a tray of Carrot Bread, 4 Sunflower Burgers that I made up on the fly, and 2 Jalapeno Burgers. Wow, right? :) And I thought the fog would never lift.
I'm thinking a big ol' salad, some kale chips and the jalapeno burgers for dins!

What's for dinner at your house, Rawkers?
Tuesday, 2 February 2010
Kelp Noodle Heaven!
Holy Cow, this was good!
With thanks to Linda Wooliever, this dish is called
Kelp Noodle Heaven
For the noodle heaven:1 package sea tangle kelp noodles (see photo, below)
purple cabbage (optional)
Really rinse the kelp noodles and drain in a mesh colander. Transfer to a bowl. Thinly chop about 3/4 cup worth of purple cabbage and put in the bowl with the noodles. Mix and set aside.
For the sauce:
- 4-5 Tbsp almond butter
- 1/4 cup filtered water
- 3 Tbsp extra virgin coconut oil
- 1-2 jalapeno peppers, deseeded* (depending on how much spice you like - start with one and add another if you want to make it SPICY)
- 1 Tbsp agave
- 1 Tbsp nama shoyu**
- 1/2 - 1 Tbsp ground ginger
- 2 tsp hot pepper sesame oil (or regular sesame oil)
- 1 tsp apple cider vinegar
Put all sauce ingredients in your blender and blend until smooth and creamy.
Pour over the noodle and cabbage mixture and let sit for about 5-10 minutes so that the noodles get softer.
SERVING SUGGESTION. Serve on a bed of spinach and grated carrots
We enjoyed this meal like crazy!! Steve made THE FACE. You know, the one that says "we're having THIS again, Mama!" He LOVED it. So did I. It was so delicious. I'm so glad we've found another way to not only ingest, but enjoy, sea vegetables. We enjoy Savory Nori Snacks, and now, this! Yay! (Never thought I'd see the day!!)
All About Kelp:
(Written by Matt Monarch for NaturalNews) Kelp is a large type of seaweed, and in fact, there are approximately thirty different types of kelp. Kelp has many uses and one of them is as a diet supplement. It is classified as algae and is very rich in nutrients. The health benefits of including kelp as a dietary supplement are well documented. These include the strengthening of the circulatory system, provision of strong bones and teeth, cancer fighting benefits and reducing the risk of strokes and heart disease. The large concentration of iodine found in Kelp helps to stimulate the thyroid gland and control metabolism.
Kelp grows in oceans and so is rich in all the nutrients which the ocean contains, most of which are needed also by the human body in various amounts. These include over 70 minerals, trace elements, enzymes, iodine, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron and 21 amino acids. The complex range of nutrients makes it an essential promoter of glandular health. Kelp is also a natural antibiotic because of its iodine content, which helps the body fight bad bacteria and infections.
One of the main benefits of kelp is its high content of iodine which is a mineral that is essential for the correct functioning of the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland regulates metabolism. If there is not enough iodine in the diet, the thyroid is forced to work harder than it should have to, eventually becoming enlarged. This syndrome is called goiter. Kelp is a natural and healthy alternative to salt, as it has a salty taste. It is especially important in terms of women's health as it is rich in iron, potassium and calcium - all useful for women of all ages, during menstruation, pregnancy and for nursing mothers.
Fortunately, kelp is available in many different forms (, so you can consume it in any way you prefer. Kelp noodles can be a raw foodist's godsend, as they can be used in the same way you would use spaghetti, but it is totally raw, natural and unprocessed. Kelp flakes are great for adding texture, taste and extra nutrients to any meal. If you don't like the taste of kelp but want its health benefits, you can take it in capsule form. If you do enjoy the taste of kelp, then you can purchase kelp granules, also available mixed with cayenne pepper, to use sprinkled over your food in place of salt. In this way, you get extra taste, while feeding your body with even more nutrients.
Kelp Noodle Heaven!
Holy Cow, this was good!
With thanks to Linda Wooliever, this dish is called
Kelp Noodle Heaven
For the noodle heaven:1 package sea tangle kelp noodles (see photo, below)
purple cabbage (optional)
Really rinse the kelp noodles and drain in a mesh colander. Transfer to a bowl. Thinly chop about 3/4 cup worth of purple cabbage and put in the bowl with the noodles. Mix and set aside.
For the sauce:
- 4-5 Tbsp almond butter
- 1/4 cup filtered water
- 3 Tbsp extra virgin coconut oil
- 1-2 jalapeno peppers, deseeded* (depending on how much spice you like - start with one and add another if you want to make it SPICY)
- 1 Tbsp agave
- 1 Tbsp nama shoyu**
- 1/2 - 1 Tbsp ground ginger
- 2 tsp hot pepper sesame oil (or regular sesame oil)
- 1 tsp apple cider vinegar
Put all sauce ingredients in your blender and blend until smooth and creamy.
Pour over the noodle and cabbage mixture and let sit for about 5-10 minutes so that the noodles get softer.
SERVING SUGGESTION. Serve on a bed of spinach and grated carrots
We enjoyed this meal like crazy!! Steve made THE FACE. You know, the one that says "we're having THIS again, Mama!" He LOVED it. So did I. It was so delicious. I'm so glad we've found another way to not only ingest, but enjoy, sea vegetables. We enjoy Savory Nori Snacks, and now, this! Yay! (Never thought I'd see the day!!)
All About Kelp:
(Written by Matt Monarch for NaturalNews) Kelp is a large type of seaweed, and in fact, there are approximately thirty different types of kelp. Kelp has many uses and one of them is as a diet supplement. It is classified as algae and is very rich in nutrients. The health benefits of including kelp as a dietary supplement are well documented. These include the strengthening of the circulatory system, provision of strong bones and teeth, cancer fighting benefits and reducing the risk of strokes and heart disease. The large concentration of iodine found in Kelp helps to stimulate the thyroid gland and control metabolism.
Kelp grows in oceans and so is rich in all the nutrients which the ocean contains, most of which are needed also by the human body in various amounts. These include over 70 minerals, trace elements, enzymes, iodine, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron and 21 amino acids. The complex range of nutrients makes it an essential promoter of glandular health. Kelp is also a natural antibiotic because of its iodine content, which helps the body fight bad bacteria and infections.
One of the main benefits of kelp is its high content of iodine which is a mineral that is essential for the correct functioning of the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland regulates metabolism. If there is not enough iodine in the diet, the thyroid is forced to work harder than it should have to, eventually becoming enlarged. This syndrome is called goiter. Kelp is a natural and healthy alternative to salt, as it has a salty taste. It is especially important in terms of women's health as it is rich in iron, potassium and calcium - all useful for women of all ages, during menstruation, pregnancy and for nursing mothers.
Fortunately, kelp is available in many different forms (, so you can consume it in any way you prefer. Kelp noodles can be a raw foodist's godsend, as they can be used in the same way you would use spaghetti, but it is totally raw, natural and unprocessed. Kelp flakes are great for adding texture, taste and extra nutrients to any meal. If you don't like the taste of kelp but want its health benefits, you can take it in capsule form. If you do enjoy the taste of kelp, then you can purchase kelp granules, also available mixed with cayenne pepper, to use sprinkled over your food in place of salt. In this way, you get extra taste, while feeding your body with even more nutrients.
Food Processor Vision Board
Dinner tonight was Gabriel Cousens' raw chili and Chad Sarno's kale salad. Delish!! Together, they make for a wonderful meal. About 45 minutes after dinner, I went back into the fridge and polished off the rest of that delicious kale salad...not because I was hungry, but because I couldn't get the flavors out of my mind.
Using some 'As seen on TV' slicer I found in the thrift store a couple years ago, I sliced the carrots, red peppers, and celery for the chili *paper thin*. It was a wise thing to do, because we were so hungry and didn't want to have to wait to dehydrate it. It was just fine! All the flavors were there and we love this chili.
The 'As seen on TV' slicer is a tad scary, though. That thing, while functional, is just waiting for a sacrificial finger. Not a safe slicer at all!!!! Don't try this at home. I remembered, with one near miss after another, why I gave up on it and stuffed it in the back of my cupboard.
All this whining is coming to a point: it comes down to needing a new food processor. I know, I know...I have two. But get this...they're both hooped! I can only get one to work at all, and the only has the 'S' blade. (WHEN is garbage day?)
I want one of those big, gorgeous Cuisinarts or KitchenAids. I'm done with messing around. Any reviews on either of these? I want a lot of cuppage. Like, between 10 & 14.
I'm gonna do a Food Processor Vision Board (lmao) and set about MANIFESTING. I'll keep ya posted.
Drank more water today, went for a walk, had an EFT session in my *new office* cool is that??
All in all, a good day!
Using some 'As seen on TV' slicer I found in the thrift store a couple years ago, I sliced the carrots, red peppers, and celery for the chili *paper thin*. It was a wise thing to do, because we were so hungry and didn't want to have to wait to dehydrate it. It was just fine! All the flavors were there and we love this chili.
The 'As seen on TV' slicer is a tad scary, though. That thing, while functional, is just waiting for a sacrificial finger. Not a safe slicer at all!!!! Don't try this at home. I remembered, with one near miss after another, why I gave up on it and stuffed it in the back of my cupboard.
All this whining is coming to a point: it comes down to needing a new food processor. I know, I know...I have two. But get this...they're both hooped! I can only get one to work at all, and the only has the 'S' blade. (WHEN is garbage day?)
I want one of those big, gorgeous Cuisinarts or KitchenAids. I'm done with messing around. Any reviews on either of these? I want a lot of cuppage. Like, between 10 & 14.
I'm gonna do a Food Processor Vision Board (lmao) and set about MANIFESTING. I'll keep ya posted.
Drank more water today, went for a walk, had an EFT session in my *new office* cool is that??
All in all, a good day!
Food Processor Vision Board
Dinner tonight was Gabriel Cousens' raw chili and Chad Sarno's kale salad. Delish!! Together, they make for a wonderful meal. About 45 minutes after dinner, I went back into the fridge and polished off the rest of that delicious kale salad...not because I was hungry, but because I couldn't get the flavors out of my mind.
Using some 'As seen on TV' slicer I found in the thrift store a couple years ago, I sliced the carrots, red peppers, and celery for the chili *paper thin*. It was a wise thing to do, because we were so hungry and didn't want to have to wait to dehydrate it. It was just fine! All the flavors were there and we love this chili.
The 'As seen on TV' slicer is a tad scary, though. That thing, while functional, is just waiting for a sacrificial finger. Not a safe slicer at all!!!! Don't try this at home. I remembered, with one near miss after another, why I gave up on it and stuffed it in the back of my cupboard.
All this whining is coming to a point: it comes down to needing a new food processor. I know, I know...I have two. But get this...they're both hooped! I can only get one to work at all, and the only has the 'S' blade. (WHEN is garbage day?)
I want one of those big, gorgeous Cuisinarts or KitchenAids. I'm done with messing around. Any reviews on either of these? I want a lot of cuppage. Like, between 10 & 14.
I'm gonna do a Food Processor Vision Board (lmao) and set about MANIFESTING. I'll keep ya posted.
Drank more water today, went for a walk, had an EFT session in my *new office* cool is that??
All in all, a good day!
Using some 'As seen on TV' slicer I found in the thrift store a couple years ago, I sliced the carrots, red peppers, and celery for the chili *paper thin*. It was a wise thing to do, because we were so hungry and didn't want to have to wait to dehydrate it. It was just fine! All the flavors were there and we love this chili.
The 'As seen on TV' slicer is a tad scary, though. That thing, while functional, is just waiting for a sacrificial finger. Not a safe slicer at all!!!! Don't try this at home. I remembered, with one near miss after another, why I gave up on it and stuffed it in the back of my cupboard.
All this whining is coming to a point: it comes down to needing a new food processor. I know, I know...I have two. But get this...they're both hooped! I can only get one to work at all, and the only has the 'S' blade. (WHEN is garbage day?)
I want one of those big, gorgeous Cuisinarts or KitchenAids. I'm done with messing around. Any reviews on either of these? I want a lot of cuppage. Like, between 10 & 14.
I'm gonna do a Food Processor Vision Board (lmao) and set about MANIFESTING. I'll keep ya posted.
Drank more water today, went for a walk, had an EFT session in my *new office* cool is that??
All in all, a good day!
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