Monday, 24 March 2008
Cooked Thoughts
I am resolute in my knowledge that eating a raw food diet cures the body of what ails it, and creates an environment that disease doesn't thrive in. It might show up and try to come in, but it can't stay.
I've let myself slip in my resolve. I don't mind the odd cooked thing, but the cooked thoughts are what have really started to kill this for me.
Cooked thoughts are me letting my guard down, and specifically, forgetting the initial inspiration. It's like getting all fired up after reading a convincing book about raw, envisioning how great it will be when the time comes I'm healed, saved, and thin, then reaching that and letting it slip.
Cooked thoughts are me reaching for the old comfortable, recognizable, albeit unhealthy, behaviors. Not beer and twinkies, don't worry, but just letting the whole mindset slide until I find myself posting on a message board that I 'dabbled in raw' this past weekend. Wah! I don't want to dabble, I want to dive in!!
Raw works, man!!! Raw heals! Thoughts of illness, from pesky to chronic, absolutely leave my belief system when I am 100% raw. Cooked thoughts are the returning doubts that my body is ok. Raw keeps the inner terrain reinforced and cooked breaks down defenses. That simple to me.
Cooked thoughts point to depression, illness-real or imagined, sleepiness, guilt, sighing, cynicism...
Raw thoughts point to life, energy, love, happiness, bright future, longevity, glowing health, light, freedom, art, beauty....
Welcome me back, won'tcha?
Better yet, join me!
Cooked Thoughts
I am resolute in my knowledge that eating a raw food diet cures the body of what ails it, and creates an environment that disease doesn't thrive in. It might show up and try to come in, but it can't stay.
I've let myself slip in my resolve. I don't mind the odd cooked thing, but the cooked thoughts are what have really started to kill this for me.
Cooked thoughts are me letting my guard down, and specifically, forgetting the initial inspiration. It's like getting all fired up after reading a convincing book about raw, envisioning how great it will be when the time comes I'm healed, saved, and thin, then reaching that and letting it slip.
Cooked thoughts are me reaching for the old comfortable, recognizable, albeit unhealthy, behaviors. Not beer and twinkies, don't worry, but just letting the whole mindset slide until I find myself posting on a message board that I 'dabbled in raw' this past weekend. Wah! I don't want to dabble, I want to dive in!!
Raw works, man!!! Raw heals! Thoughts of illness, from pesky to chronic, absolutely leave my belief system when I am 100% raw. Cooked thoughts are the returning doubts that my body is ok. Raw keeps the inner terrain reinforced and cooked breaks down defenses. That simple to me.
Cooked thoughts point to depression, illness-real or imagined, sleepiness, guilt, sighing, cynicism...
Raw thoughts point to life, energy, love, happiness, bright future, longevity, glowing health, light, freedom, art, beauty....
Welcome me back, won'tcha?
Better yet, join me!
Tuesday, 18 March 2008
Tuesday, 11 March 2008
Tag! You're it!
Being tagged means I reveal 5 things about myself you may not know about. I'm such an open book, that I have been thinking hard here, and I don't think there are 5 things left that someone, somewhere, doesn't already know. Then I kept thinking, and I realized there are at least 5 things I don't want anyone to know. But I am playing on the side of caution.
1. I took a ballroom dance lesson once. Once. I had to coax my boyfriend there, and it turns out I had two very self-conscious left feet and he was a natural! Harrumph.
2. I bought a school bus, lived in it for a while, and now it's parked out back. I'm getting it ready for its next phase, my art studio.
3. I can't hear the song Teach Your Children without bursting into tears.
4. I am a bad banjo player, a good songwriter, a great singer
5. I love raw and everything, but part of my heart will always belong in a dark bar.
Now I'm tagging fiddlemama, Lhia, AlexMac, alissa, and Leonie. Tag! You're it!
Tag! You're it!
Being tagged means I reveal 5 things about myself you may not know about. I'm such an open book, that I have been thinking hard here, and I don't think there are 5 things left that someone, somewhere, doesn't already know. Then I kept thinking, and I realized there are at least 5 things I don't want anyone to know. But I am playing on the side of caution.
1. I took a ballroom dance lesson once. Once. I had to coax my boyfriend there, and it turns out I had two very self-conscious left feet and he was a natural! Harrumph.
2. I bought a school bus, lived in it for a while, and now it's parked out back. I'm getting it ready for its next phase, my art studio.
3. I can't hear the song Teach Your Children without bursting into tears.
4. I am a bad banjo player, a good songwriter, a great singer
5. I love raw and everything, but part of my heart will always belong in a dark bar.
Now I'm tagging fiddlemama, Lhia, AlexMac, alissa, and Leonie. Tag! You're it!
Saturday, 8 March 2008

It's not enough to know better.
Within the context of the raw foods lifestyle, what do you do consistently? Make a list.
I consistently start my day with green smoothies, eat lots of fruit and salads, supplement with superfoods, and drink plenty of water
Overall, I'm not 'on top' of my raw food lifestyle as I was in summer. I let things 'slide' more; I get lazy.
I'm not drinking beer, I'm not sliding into fast foods or even any junk foods, but my efforts at being sure to consume a *varied* raw diet to ensure my nutritional needs has been inconsistent.
So, a little wake-up call.... Not sleeping, just did the bus-nod there for a bit.
I've been reading Natalia Rose's 'Raw Food LIfe Force Energy' and it's been most inspiring, addressing energy, bliss, high vibration, life force, healing, raw foods, fresh air, sunshine.....
I'm up now!!!

It's not enough to know better.
Within the context of the raw foods lifestyle, what do you do consistently? Make a list.
I consistently start my day with green smoothies, eat lots of fruit and salads, supplement with superfoods, and drink plenty of water
Overall, I'm not 'on top' of my raw food lifestyle as I was in summer. I let things 'slide' more; I get lazy.
I'm not drinking beer, I'm not sliding into fast foods or even any junk foods, but my efforts at being sure to consume a *varied* raw diet to ensure my nutritional needs has been inconsistent.
So, a little wake-up call.... Not sleeping, just did the bus-nod there for a bit.
I've been reading Natalia Rose's 'Raw Food LIfe Force Energy' and it's been most inspiring, addressing energy, bliss, high vibration, life force, healing, raw foods, fresh air, sunshine.....
I'm up now!!!
Tuesday, 4 March 2008
Raw Energy

My energy no longer lags in the afternoon, either after eating lunch or that old 3 o'clock slump.
Also, I'm as energetic at 7 a.m. as I am at 7 pm. It's just steady.
Up until I went raw, I never knew such energy. My body has known years of partying, years of nights so late they turn into mornings, nasty black coffee, and you know about the junk food, pot, smokes, and beer. A big garbage can o' fun!
I was always draggin' my ass, just trying to get through things, get 'em overwith, wishing they weren't coming, or here, or just different. I wasn't a big napper, unless it overcame me on certain days, I actually resisted sleep, afraid to miss my fabulous life. Sigh.
Thing I'm gettin' at is that I never developed the habit of occupying my time productively. I was too busy fielding the anxiety, panic, and utter depression that would swallow me up.
Free from the grip of these negative cycles and results, I find myself with all this energy now, and I sometimes don't know what in hell to do with it!! This peace of mind is driving me nuts!! hahaha
Sure, being an artist, I paint, and find great joy in this. I jump on my rebounder until I'm breathless, I play squash and get my ya-ya's out, and this is helping...
... but there are times when I'm thumpin' to do stuff, and have no idea WHAT. Like a bored child. I don't know what to dooooooooooo.
On the message board, it was recently touched on that Storm made an observation that as raw foodists, if we don't use up this extra energy, it can turn in on itself, I'm paraphrasing; here's the paragraph:
"... I think that I realized early on in my journey that the energy levels one obtains from doing a well balanced raw vegan diet are astronomical. The only way that I was able to maintain a long term course was to transmute the energy. I think that if you don't find a way to transmute the energy then it turns on you. "
So, sitting here, wondering my next step, it *is* great to know it isn't a coffee and it isn't a nap.
Maybe it IS time to open my own business............write that book...........join that gym...........rock climb............start runnin' again...........
Raw Energy

My energy no longer lags in the afternoon, either after eating lunch or that old 3 o'clock slump.
Also, I'm as energetic at 7 a.m. as I am at 7 pm. It's just steady.
Up until I went raw, I never knew such energy. My body has known years of partying, years of nights so late they turn into mornings, nasty black coffee, and you know about the junk food, pot, smokes, and beer. A big garbage can o' fun!
I was always draggin' my ass, just trying to get through things, get 'em overwith, wishing they weren't coming, or here, or just different. I wasn't a big napper, unless it overcame me on certain days, I actually resisted sleep, afraid to miss my fabulous life. Sigh.
Thing I'm gettin' at is that I never developed the habit of occupying my time productively. I was too busy fielding the anxiety, panic, and utter depression that would swallow me up.
Free from the grip of these negative cycles and results, I find myself with all this energy now, and I sometimes don't know what in hell to do with it!! This peace of mind is driving me nuts!! hahaha
Sure, being an artist, I paint, and find great joy in this. I jump on my rebounder until I'm breathless, I play squash and get my ya-ya's out, and this is helping...
... but there are times when I'm thumpin' to do stuff, and have no idea WHAT. Like a bored child. I don't know what to dooooooooooo.
On the message board, it was recently touched on that Storm made an observation that as raw foodists, if we don't use up this extra energy, it can turn in on itself, I'm paraphrasing; here's the paragraph:
"... I think that I realized early on in my journey that the energy levels one obtains from doing a well balanced raw vegan diet are astronomical. The only way that I was able to maintain a long term course was to transmute the energy. I think that if you don't find a way to transmute the energy then it turns on you. "
So, sitting here, wondering my next step, it *is* great to know it isn't a coffee and it isn't a nap.
Maybe it IS time to open my own business............write that book...........join that gym...........rock climb............start runnin' again...........